When a scene with mirrors (probe linked), is placed in-world and moved by a script (rezbox), mirror probe stops working after script is done moving object into position.
This affects backdrops / houses / sets with mirrors included in the scene and rezzed by scripts. (Reported by Poko).
I'm sending Atlas Linden a demo rezbox:
  • Rez and click rezbox ( Mirrors Test Rezbox ), select "Rez Models" on menu, mirror object will rez and after script finish moving into position, probe mirror is not working. (Use the button "Del Models" on menu to delete the mirror test object between tests.)
If you look closely, you will notice at "first" rez, before script moves the object ( Mirror Surface Probe Linked ), the mirror probe is working, but after the move function finishes, it's not working anymore. ( llSetPrimParams [PRIM_POSITION] )
  • If you rez manually the object inside the rezbox ( Mirror Surface Probe Linked ), mirror probe is working fine.
  • If you move manually the object after the rezbox finishes, mirror probe is working again.
Viewer settings:
  • Mirror resolution, 2048, Ultra. (Mirrors needs to be toggled after every login, even if the box Mirrors is checked, which is another known bug, may also get re-enabled by "toggling" anything that causes a shader reload... )
  • Reflection Detail: Realtime, full scene.