movement with the arrows on the keyboard
needs info
deplove Resident
before the last two upgrades by touching the arrows on the keyboard I could move as I wanted. Now they no longer work even though I enabled in preferences also the letters - W ..etc.
I have to turn off my gesture hud and pose stand, then switch it to on and that's how the keyboard ones work , but if I stop and want to start walking again we're back to square one.
is there a suggestion ? i find it impractical to use the mouse to touch the arrows in the viewer - thanks
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deplove Resident
apart from us, it seems that this problem is not interesting for LL, but anyway I have tried them all and still I find it frustrating every time I stop my AO and reactivated the direction arrows on the keyboard work, but if I walk and stop, that's when they don't work anymore if I want to keep walking or drive or sail , so I have to stop AO again and reactivate it. Yet we are paying residents and on top of that I am paying for premium customers should care to those in charge, no ??
Caleb Linden
needs info
Caleb Linden
Would it be possible for us to take a look at the HUD and pose stand? Please let us know know where we can try them out. Also add the environment info obtainable via Help -> About Second Life Thanks!
deplove Resident
Caleb Linden
Dear Caleb thank you for your interest , here is the picture of my AO and the motion section in preferences where about motion with arrows and letters is all enabled.
I went in and the arrows work but I stopped for the picture and the arrows on the keyboard, numpad, don't work, I have to use the mouse to touch the viewer arrows but I walk like a drunk. So I have to turn off the Hud pose, walk etc, and then turn it back on and the keyboard arrows work. As Voluptia , whom I thank, says, it becomes a stress to go sailing, or drive your cars.
thank you for your suggestions
Voluptia Darkrose
There actually was an issue they supposedly addressed and fixed in the last 2 viewer updates that caused a break in communication when trying to move using the arrow keys on your keyboard. Many sl users that "drive" vehicles in sl complained of it. I was having that issue as well when driving a boat, car, motorcycle where one min it was working fine, the next it wasn't. The latest viewer I've noticed i still encounter that off and on. I suggest submitting a ticket as i have. Hopefully it will be fully fixed in the next update
Isobel DeSantis
I'm not sure if this is helpful for you or not. But I've just upgraded to Firestorm 7.1.11 and I'm still able to use the arrows keys to move as I did before. I'm not using the arrows on the NumPad but a separate arrow grouping on my keyboard.
Could you have a conflict between keyboard shortcuts?
Voluptia Darkrose
Isobel DeSantis its the arrow keys on my keyboard that i use, the same that you are referring to. It started on the 1st update after the pbr update, so i went back to a previous version. Am now using the latest viewer Firestorm 7.1.11, and notice its occurring off and on. My avatar will be driving a motorboat or motorcycle, for which i use the directional keys on my keyboard, going along ok one minute than the next it stops working. If i press the arrow key again to move, nothing. I have to hit the escape key, then try again and then it works. But frustrating if you're racing.