[PBR] Environment: Blue Density Input Color Yields Incorrect Sky Color when Set to [0,0,0]
Polymath Snuggler
Create an Environment with the "Blue Density" Color set to 0,0,0 Black and observe that the sky lights up monochromatic white when the "Haze Density" Slider is also set to 0.0 ~ This issue does not occur on pre-PBR viewers.
This seems to be the continuation of / related to another bug regarding black water rendering when Haze Density is low. But I don't know how to link issues to old JIRAs in this new system because I can't sign into it anymore, and this text field is really tiny and cramped and there's no "Related Issue" button, also why is there a "Delete Post" Option in a bug reporting platform?? ~ Like ~ that seems like a bad idea~ I could go searching for an issue and maybe someone has just completely deleted it??? I hate it here... make it stop.
Liz iz Sad
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Atlas Linden
Atlas Linden
Thanks for filing this Polymath!
This was easily reproduced on the latest GLTF Maintenance RC
Beq Janus
Welcome to the uncanny world of Canny. Please drive carefully.
It is worth noting that in Liz's video that when she sets the Blue Density to 0 all of the alpha blend textures are rendered entirely black for the non-alpha pixels.
Atlas Linden
Thanks Beq Janus!
A separate issue will be created regarding the alpha blend texture issue.
Seems like they can completely disappear with these EEP settings https://gyazo.com/6721593dd177e93bacac3e3f2cb403eb