[PBR] Trees render with too much transparency since PBR
Whirly Fizzle
Steps To Reproduce
- Go to http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Romantica/178/191/21
- Observe how the palm trees look against the sky
Observed Behaviour
- On PBR viewers, the palm tree leaves are very transparent, especially when viewed against the sky

- On Pre-PBR viewers, the trees render as expected

- The Pre-PBR image was taken using https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/viewer/
- Both viewers set to Ultra graphics quality, and legacy midday. Though note the bug reproduces with any sky setting.
- Original images that can be expanded to larger size
- Pre-PBR: https://gyazo.com/83fb9f47b52a8fc7e82270fe596533b1
- PBR: https://gyazo.com/70dfd6c4becf6753db2b70a4f049902d
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Atlas Linden
Thanks Whirlz! This has been linked up to an internal GitHub issue
Tayln Osbourne
My best assumption on what's going on is that since PBR enforces linear alpha blending (as per the glTF 2.0 specification), the texture may not be fully opaque where there's leaves, leading to the darker color being washed out by the sky.
In theory, it could be fixed by making BlinnPhong use sRGB blending, but it would likely result in performance loss from having a more complex shader.
Whirly Fizzle
Probably related:
- https://secondlife.canny.io/admin/feedback/bug-reports/p/regression-grass-is-visible-through-a-sign
- https://secondlife.canny.io/admin/feedback/bug-reports/p/pbr-bug-alpha-transparancy-on-water-issue
- https://github.com/secondlife/jira-archive/issues/11454 -
[BUG-234546] [PBR] Rendering Problem of trees in foreground and shrubs in background #11454
[BUG-233924] [PBR] Wrong alpha sorting of inworld objects #10947