Projector Shadow Priority Misbehaving
Tayln Osbourne
Demonstration Video:
It appears that projector priority seems to be using inverse the light radius to calculate shadow priority.
- Make 3 projector lights equidistant from each other pointing towards a centerpoint (for ease of seeing the shadows)
- Adjust the radius of the light furthest from your view larger and smaller and observe
- Adjust the radius of the light closest to your view larger and smaller and observe.
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Atlas Linden
Atlas Linden
Tayln Osbourne
I think what I was demonstrating might of been misunderstood. I am aware of the 2 shadow limit, it appears those 2 shadows we get are using inverse of the light radius to determine which 2 to use, which is causing larger lights to have lower priority than smaller ones.
Atlas Linden
Tayln Osbourne: Apologies I did indeed misunderstand your issue. This will be reopened and imported.
Thanks for the clarification!
Atlas Linden
Atlas Linden
Hi Zanibar,
Unfortunately this is a limit of the viewer. That is, an object will only ever have 2 shadows from projectors displayed at a time.
A list of limits in the viewer can be found here:,Lighting,-Limit%20affects
Vincent Nacon
Atlas Linden: It's not about the 2 shadows limit, it's about the priority as you move the camera around. When you have a lot of projected lights in the area, the viewer has strange behavior how it chooses which one to cast the shadow and it doesn't look good.
Here's a example.

As you move the camera closer, it for some reason the viewer decided that the nearest light source shall give up the shadow and give it to the next one down further, despite the fact that it's still in the view.

And here, the first one is just off the screen and doesn't have its shadow. It's the nearest light source and it should have the shadow.
Atlas Linden
Vincent Nacon: Thank you for the clarification!
Tayln Osbourne
It also appears to happen in 7.1.3