Reflections turn black when zooming in close
Kristy Aurelia
- Create a reflective object, like a sphere with 1 metallic 0 roughness
- Look at it from some distance
- Zoom in really close
- It turns black based on the camera distance
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PuddinPop Jillybean
I had that happen to me on the latest FS beta (, and (Win10 & mirrors turned off) and I wasn't zoomed in on the items. Some of the items that turned back while still showing some highlights were mesh jack-o-lanterns; you could still make out their faces on them. Other things, including something I was wearing, didn't have highlights, so showed as all black.
Kate Laryukov
Hello everyone. I am facing the same problem for about 2 weeks now. I can confirm that unchecking Mirrors fixes it. Many customers send me instant messages with complaints about that... It is a serious problem for those of us who sell jewelry and are using PBR. Jewelry are small objects and to see them you have to zoom in. Now they only look in black.
CaithLynnSayes Resident
Hey all. I have a hilarious bugfix for that. You ready?
1) Create a "mirror box". I'm sure you know how by now.
2) Take that mirror box in your inventory.
3) At each and every login, simply attach the box and zoom/cam closely into it.
4) Reflections and mirrors are now fixed for your current session.
Repeat step 3 at each login if you want reflections and mirrors seen close up.
Proven to work on the Second Life viewer and Firestorm.
(Added info, probably useful for developers): Rezzing the box won't do it. Attaching it to your avatar however, will.
I have no idea why, but this seems to be a reliable temporary fix for when you really want to see reflections close up.
Tech Robonaught
Confirmed - Unchecking "Mirrors" under shaders 'fixes' it -
Tech Robonaught
Victoria Vortex
idk what you guys are doing but its mixing mirrors/reflections + blacked renders on zoom on true pbr renders ?!?!
Dan Linden
Dan Linden
Thank you for the report, Kristy!
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.
Apple Crush
Yes. I have discovered that this is related to the new 'Mirrors' setting in the graphics setting. If you turn that off - this goes away. So I can say somewhat that introducing planar mirrors has caused this issue as it's very recent.