Regression: grass is visible through a sign
MartinRJ Fayray
- Go to Wander Beachside 200, 112, 22
- Set the environment setting to Midday (Legacy) (Menu World -> Environment -> Midday (Legacy)).
- Look at the non-transparent sign at 203, 109, 22
Expected result: The image ("DACH Furries Oase Infoschild Neu.png" - attached) should not be semi-transparent.
Actual result: the grass ("KIDD LONG GRASS
Wild Sword
Bush TransMod 8" and "KIDD LONG GRASS
Wild Sword Bush
TransMod 8") is visible through the sign.This is a regression, I didn't have this issue on previous versions of the SL viewer.
Find my graphics settings attached.
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Qie Niangao
The sign may not be transparent, but it is using an alpha-channel (32-bit) texture, and different viewer releases and settings have long had varying troubles with the alpha-sorting bug. That is to say, some people will have seen the grass through that sign while others wouldn't. The simplest prevention is to set the surface's Alpha mode to None (or switch to a texture that doesn't have an alpha channel).
Dan Linden
Dan Linden
Thank you for the report, MartinRJ!
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.