Texture quality drops dramatically if SL defocused
Cutie Crush
Using SL on multiple monitors is a necessity for content creators. With content creation requiring Photoshop, Blender, and any number of other secondary applications to accomplish. Still, the desire to remain connected to friends and customers via SL remains, even while working.
Placing SL on a second Monitor, and clicking on any other application will cause the application to start, what I can only call "crappifying" itself, with already fully downloaded textures being discarded for lower rez, worse quality blurry alternatives.
This only seems to have become a real issue, recently.
This can make working with SL as an 'inworld preview window" utilizing local textures to check one's work as they're going along, not just frustrating, but frequently impossible.
Is there a setting where this behavior can be turned off, please?
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Atlas Linden
Atlas Linden
Hi Honey Puddles,
This was a recently introduced feature which can be disabled on the current SL ExtraFPS viewer via a prompt that will appear after the viewer is defocused for 10 seconds.
Cutie Crush
Atlas Linden - is there a way to disable this in firestorm? Perhaps via a debug setting? Because I am not using the ExtraFPS viewer.
Andred Darwin
Cutie Crush FS does not have that code yet, but on the latest ExtraFPS, instead of using the suggested "dialog" to disabled, you can just set the following debug settings to -1 to completely disabled the "feature" : TextureDiscardBackgroundedTime and TextureDiscardMinimizedTime. (One disables the feature when the viewer is on background, another minimized... disabling both, turns off and hides the annoying warning too)
Its great that at least we can disabled it, but ideally that probably supposed to be under Graphics Preferences. (Its extremely annoying when multitasking with multiple monitors, but can also be useful to toggle under other circumstances )
Atlas Linden
Andred's answer above is correct.
The prompt in the SL viewer will adjust TextureDiscardBackgroundedTime to -1 when the Disable button is selected.