Transparent particles over water make the water look black under their transparent parts
Dutch Mainsail
Download the - ForeverFPS Viewer
Teleport to to Bellisseria Fairgrounds
Wait for the water taxi
Look at the wake of the boat
Note that this does not happen for transparent ribbon particles.
They look fine over water.
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Atlas Linden
Thanks Dutch and SarahKB7!
We were also able to reproduce this bug.
This is now being tracked here:
SarahKB7 Koskinen
Agreed, I see them too in Firestorm
Using "Midday" settings with Screen Space Reflections disabled.
When water spray particles interact with the water surface, there's a strange dark glitching effect happening.
I repeated with different boats by different makers, all with the same effect too.
I tried this again with Transparent Water disabled and the spray looks correct without discolouration or glitching.
So I am assuming "new" water updates in the latest 7.1.12 Beta viewers are causing an alpha texturing conflict with water spray particles?