Voice does not work only through WebRtc
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Annryk Resident
There is a connection to the server, I see how others speak on the visual indicator. But the opponent's voice is not heard, I am also not heard, and there is no reaction from my indicator. My sound card is detected in the settings correctly. This only happens when using webrts on vivox everything works fine. This happens on all viewers that support webrts, both official and on the latest versions of firestorm, including beta. Most likely this is due to the fact that I am not using the built-in sound card but a Sound BlasterX AE-5 Plus. Viewer gives the ability to select the correct inputs and outputs but the voice sound in webrts mode is completely absent.
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Atlas Linden
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Atlas Linden
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Atlas Linden
needs info
Atlas Linden
Hi Annryk,
Do you have the latest drivers offered for this sound card?
Does uninstalling and reinstalling via device manager solve the issue?
WebRTC is currently only on Preflight regions. Does voice work fine on these regions? http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/WebRTC%20Voice%201/119/116/31
Annryk Resident
I tried on this region that you indicated in the link and also on other four regions WebRTC Voice. Reinstalling the driver did not solve the problem. I already have the latest driver for the sound card on Windows 10.
Voice on vivox works fine, but as soon as I enter a region with voice on webrtc, there is complete silence on voice, both on entry and exit.
Atlas Linden
Thanks for checking that, Annryk.
Is there a command center type application for this headset where you can control certain settings? If so, does disabling certain settings related to any audio enhancements/modes resolve this?
Are you aware of this issue occurring on other apps that use WebRTC such as Discord?
Annryk Resident
Everything works fine in Discord in all modes. I managed to make voice work in WebRTS mode, but only in Direct Mode, which can be enabled in Sound Balster Command, but it disables any sound processing, even the equalizer, and is disabled by default.