[WebRTC] Voice squelches when teleporting on a WebRTC region
Whirly Fizzle
- Avatar A & Avatar B go to any region running WebRTC, for example http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/By%20Design/113/96/22
- Avatar A speak on voice and teleport a short distance away either via a landmark or double-click teleport
Observed Behaviour
- When Avatar A teleports while talking on voice, Avatar B will hear Avatar A's voice squelching and Avatar A will sound like they are talking through a tin can from far away.
- Avatar A does not hear any squelching.
- Bug also reproduces on ExtraFPS and Firestorm WebRTC viewer.
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Dan Linden
Dan Linden
Thank you for the report, Whirly!
Issue tracked at https://github.com/secondlife/viewer/issues/3229. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.
Whirly Fizzle
Note that on a Vivox region, voice will disconnect when double-click teleporting.