Ability to create separate body and head shapes
Nova Murray
I'd love to be able to have the body and my head shapes be separate. Right now the shapes are tied together as one shape. I would love to be able to say, purchase a head shape someone has created and be able to apply it without changing my body shape as well.
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hexidimentional Hamaski
I could probably delete about 2k shapes if we had this
Dolci Woodget
Yes, please!!!
Arcane Portal
My viewer has had the abillity to selectively export and import shape sections for years. I have the 100% completed and working source, and will see if I can put together a proper .diff when I get a bit of free time if it's something LL would actually add.
DevinKnights84 Resident
this would be nice , tho I don't change my shape much since I got it how I like now. This would be a good thing to have tho, or if the current shape system allowed copy/paste of certain separate sections of the shape to another shape.
moichispa Resident
I agree on this, I'm pretty attacked to my current body shape. It is mod and I have used and modified to my taste over the years.
The other day I got a cute head skin which came with it's own shape. Whole the head shape was quite nice the rest of the body was completely different to mine. Since the shape is no nod, there was nothing I could do about it
Beatrice Voxel
There IS a way to do this, but it involves dumping your shapes (head and body) into .XML files, then using a tool "Dr. Frank" to parse which settings are for the head and which are for the body, the tool then outputs a combination .XML with the head settings from one file and the body settings from the other. Import that .XML as your shape, and then tweak as needed from there.
The problem is, you have to use tools external to SL to accomplish this. The viewers have the ability to read the shape XML, they can export it, and they can import it... but there is no mechanism to manipulate them other than thru the Edit Shape number/slider editor.
Boudicca Amat
Yes, yes yes! I've been thinking this for years as I - not so - patiently fill out yet another head shape specific card before blogging a skin ...was just too lazy to submit it. Thank you Nova!
Drake1 Nightfire
I have been saying this for years.. If you buy a mesh head, it comes with a shape that fits that head perfectly. Then you buy a mesh body and that shape work for the body but distorts the head. Making them two different "layers" would make things so much better.
squidpaladin Resident
As a creator who does make shapes but doesn't love putting one in the pack for each body out there, I'd really love to be able to just sell head-only shapes.
Miro Collas
You can make use of Shape Merge: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/LoneMoon-Shape-Merge/23658355
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