Add a free name change for noobs (for 3 months)
Woolfyy Resident
When i see the number of noobs creating non sense names in the same style as abc just because they opened a new account without any idea about their SL avatar name, I suggest to offer a one time free name choice so that they can change it, within a time frame being their 3 first months on SL.
It would make SL much more friendly for new avatars at quite no cost for SL.
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Drake1 Nightfire
I would like them to just go back to having last names.. That was how you knew you werent just making a log in name. You literally picked a name from a list. It was very understood what you were doing. Now its just "enter a user name." Not even a "THIS IS THE NAME EVERYONE WILL SEE YOU AS IN WORLD. PICK A GOOD ONE AS YOU ARE STUCK WITH IT."
Woolfyy Resident
Drake1 Nightfire An idea : back to initially proposed names and 3 months to change it according to noobs experience.
Kyrah Abattoir
Doesn't this directly go against the intent of the existing account name change feature? Which is to provide a non-recurring option for users to convert to paid accounts.
Jennifer Boyle
Absolutely. People choose usernames thinking that they are nothing but login credentials. I have no doubt that more people would stick around if this were done..
spirit Wingtips
While i am in favor of new residents getting more perks, one must be careful with this as some of those spam accounts and phishing links may take advantage of this to hide from people who may attempt to report or block them.
Jennifer Boyle
spirit WingtipsThat is a non-problem. Blocked accounts are identified by UUID, not username, and the UUID of an account never changes.
shug Maitland
Some sort of account name change ability for noobs would reduce the number of newbie alts once they understand SL. I would bet there are many accounts that have not been used since their first weeks, not because the RL person abandoned SL but just for a better name.
After a few months it is no longer a problem since we are Slaves to our inventories by then :)
Rockridge Constantine
Education on choosing a name definitely needs to be emphasized as part of the onboarding process to begin with.
Woolfyy Resident
Rockridge Constantine We all know that being onboard happens after we chose a name. At first avatars come by "curiosity", to test "something new" etc., usually not taking the time to read anything. Then if they are satisfied they stay.
i-e education comes afterwards or simply by using it. And it's important not to create barriers to motivate people to discover new things.
Most people when they buy something in RL never read the user guide. The same applies to SL.
Rockridge Constantine
Woolfyy Resident my point was education in the initial sign up process. That is where it needs to be stated or emphasized more clearly what choosing a name will mean going forward. Boldly highlighted even. Sure people may skip over it, but this small step should help alleviate some of the disappointment down the road. There may also be some who do not even care what their name is.
Lucia Nightfire
Why not tie it to an achievement that could possibly benefit both the user and the company?
If a new user logs in once a day for 30 days (doesn't have to be consecutive) or their total time logged in reaches 30 days, whichever comes first, THEN they qualify for a free name change.
Maybe let the user know periodically of said achievement and how long until they acquire it.
Woolfyy Resident
Lucia Nightfire It is already complex enough to attract new users, so better make it simple and only for a limited time period on start. Better let users freely make new friends and visit as we all did when we started SL.
Moreover it gives one more free feature for new avatars, to use at their convenience.
SL Feedback
SL Feedback
Hello, and thank you for your feature request regarding offering a free name change for new residents within their first three months. This idea has been brought up in the past and is currently tracked. We understand how important it is for new users to feel comfortable and invested in their Second Life experience, and a name change option could certainly help with that. While we have no estimate on when this feature might be implemented, please keep an eye on future updates. We appreciate your input and hope you continue to share your ideas to help improve Second Life. Thank you!