Add a global scale slider for the avatar.
dantia Gothly
It would be really nice to be able to scale the our whole avatar with a global scale slider so we can be really big or really small without changing our shape valaues, Idealy this would act much the same as the hover height slider.
This would also increase or decrease this scale of hitbox to match the new scale.
Additinally it would be great to have a LSL function to control it like llSetAgentScale(float scale_value); or something to that effect that sets the scale of the owner of the object. If a permissions request is required I would be fine with that as well.
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Cackle Amore
My bigger question is if they do give it a go, what would the range be.
I'd be surprised if they let people scale up to the size of a two story floor or as small as a pixie.
dantia Gothly
Godzilla or go home.
Starberry Passion
I'm not sure this is a good idea.
People already tried to control and fear monger others of certain heights and look, especially women who are short and have a cute look.
Now people will have to worry about being the right scale, every time, because people hate someone who wants to be a realistic height.
The Lindens already had to come out and say "Height, gender and body types such as -Petiteness/slimness/androgynous- does not count as age alone- This means that you can be short or tall, even though people try to tell you you're not allowed to be short because they're 7'9" People are still fighting this, and sizeism is already a huge issue, along with Lookism being a big issue.
Now you want to throw scaling into the mix, it's just going to be another way to control people because someone doesn't like how you look.
dantia Gothly
Starberry Passion if someone doesn't want to be an amazon then then don't have to be. but for the rest of us who want to be massive robots, Animals, furry, Other, Tiny mice Massive monsters, whatever. It would be the only way to accomplish this. other platforms do this and it would be nice to be able to scale the character up or down while keeping the shape intact. We want more control.
nulshift Resident
Starberry Passion
I don't think we should let issues with the community dictate whether or not we should implement a feature. Otherwise we'd have to remove everything the community has ever messed up, too.
Yes, people are going to be stupid over avatar scale. But people have already been stupid over things like full bright, face lights, bling, etc. Yet some of those features are still important when used correctly.
Ceri Quixote
For avatars that stay within the current height limits of system avis this is 100% a good idea. A cleaner way of scaling the avi while preserving proportions would be a huge boon.
For larger or smaller avis there are more considerations then simply making the body scale.
There are a handful of creators in world whose businesses are centered on macro and / or micro avatars. While most of us would be open to having better options for height scaling - we also don't want our shops invalidated without at least being in on the discussion.
zOffset needs to be considered and built into the scaling function. Some consideration should be made for hover limits as well.
Existing animations don't scale - which is not an issue with rotations, but a problem for translation animations. For example, ground sit animations will sink a micro avi into the ground or cause a macro to float.
Collision boxes (hitbox) need to be considered if the avatar will scale above or below current limits. The hitbox is currently limited between 4 and 8 feet regardless of the size of the avi - this works well for macro avis but is a bit problematic for micros. I'd be very hesitant to allow the hitbox to grow much larger for a variety of reasons.
Camera controls get wonky as does perceived movement speed.
There are various other hidden limits built into SL that are generous for a normal sized avi but cause issues when you scale above or below a certain point. These aren't insurmountable issues but just mentioned to explain that it's not as simple as just making the avatar bigger.
Sailor Vasiliev
Also all attachments Modifiable or not, im sure it could be made to work with this, perhaps an individual scale can be implemented per user so we can appear how we want to others.
Zandrae Nova
This would be the single best feature ever added to Second Life. Currently SL has a problem with people who don't understand proportions trying to scale down their models to match their real life heights.
We wind up with giant-headed avatars with bodies that have the proportions of children based on their head to body height ratio. Add in peoples' tendencies towards babyfaces and babygirl 'kawaii' aesthetics and you get people accusing others of being child avvies. This also causes people discomfort (I'm turbo uncomfortable with disproportionately small head to body ratio avatars) and likely false ageplay reports.
This suggestion would solve the problem.
Jabadahut50 Resident
Oh this would be EXCELLENT. Bieng able to use the same avatar's for both mini's environments and megas environments... especially if we can also modify it with a script (if so, please also make it work on animesh) I can also envision all kinds of fun animation tricks. This would also allow for more nuance in avatar creation as we would be able to do more tricks with proportions and then scale to the height we are looking for... something we can't really do currently because the ways we have for adjusting height as they are now affect proportions a lot.
Chaser Zaks
In theory, this can be done with the shape settings right now by simply scaling the root bone! I'll give it a try later and see what if that works.
dantia Gothly
Chaser Zaks: There's nothing in the shape settings that provides a way to scale the avatar as a whole, nor will those settings scale attachments with you. The idea behind this feature is that everything, including attachments (rigged or not), will scale up or down with you via a single slider without modifying your shape sliders.
Chaser Zaks
dantia Gothly: oh, I meant with the shape system as it exists on a technical level. My theory is that a new property can be added into the current appearance data that adds a scale shape property that scales the root bone. This change shouldn't even require recompiling if I am correct.
It should scale everything, because I've messed with the bone scale before when trying to shrink the head in first person in order to correctly show the body in first person, even if it is worn on the head. Scaling bones causes all attachments to scale with them, so a property that scales the root bone should scale everything with it.
Kadah Coba
Chaser Zaks I have the feeling it might also be possible with some very carefully crafted animations, though I'm not sure if its still possible to upload anims that effect attachment scaling.
dantia Gothly
Kadah Coba Animations don't accommodate scale. you can increase the length of a bone streatching it out buy this isn't the same as what the request would be intended do which is scaling the whole avatar + attachments rigged or not.
Extrude Ragu
make sure it goes really big :))
CloverFloree Resident
Please! It's so difficult to create Macro avatars due to the specialized mesh and lack of support
Goblin Waifu
Would love to be able to scale an avatar down for goblin or pixie sized characters
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