Add Custom Tags to Inventory Items
Arwyn Quandry
The recent addition which allowed users to add pictures to Inventory items was a game changer for many of us looking to organize ourselves. However, there's another big problem that makes invetory management difficult: the inability to "tag" items with searchable attributes.
It would be incredible if there was a menu similar to the one we use to add pictures which let us tag items and folders with searchable attributes. For example, if I had a shirt called "Georgia Tank - Salmon", I could tag it with more useful info that I might think of when searching for that item later, like "pink, tanktop, shirt, midriff, legacy".
Creators have all sorts of off the wall naming conventions that make it hard to find that
one particular pair of black jeans
when you're looking for them. Tagging would let us label items with terms that make sense to us, in our own languages, and find what we need faster.Log In
Dragon Mommy
Just commenting here to add that this feature is probably my most-wanted.
Trantryss Muircastle
I "tag" my folders via the titles of notecards, but it is very limited. THIS idea of allowing tags as a property of the inventory item would be wonderful.
DavidLogan777 Winchester
This would be extraordinarily useful.
Red2Blaze Resident
I absolutely agree, and I feel this is really needed
I some times actually go to stores just to check vendors to find an item I am looking for, because its easier and faster then searching the inventory for it
As a lot of the time the stores are organized and there images show without having to hover one item at a time
Being able to have tags will be a huge help to find items, could also maybe used to find what even works with your current body if you trying to make a style or something as can tag item per body and so on
I feel this if something that is really needed on SL inventory
Nyx Onyx
A couple of years ago I made a JIRA with a version of this suggestion. From memory, my proposal was this....
Based on the idea of how Labels work in GMail, convert all existing inventory folders into nested labels (or "tags").
Have different kinds of labels:
- system labels that are the same for everyone,
- brand labels (think trademarks) that are unique in SL, one for each brand, and can be set up on the MP merchant pages and will update along with that,
- universal category labels corresponding to today's MP categories, but since they're labels an item can have multiple such assigned, a list of labels curated by LL,
- individual resident labels, you can create and assign as many of these as you like, for your own organizational needs
The system labels would correspond to today's system folders in the inventory. Some of today's "system folders" can probably be converted to #3 labels.
The brand labels makes it easy for people who wish to find items belonging to a certain brand, without having to search by creator hoping they remember their username. This label is assigned automatically, if it is set up in MP (regardless of if it was sold through MP), and is associated with the "Creator" data of the (root) object.
The universal category labels can be assigned and removed by someone having full perm rights to an object. This can be "Unisex Apparel" "Tops" and "Bottoms" for example. This helps the consumers / customers finding the item on MP, and also in their inventory once it gets there, having it automatically "organized" based on the classification done by the merchant. To have some sort of standards here, it's best to have the selection of labels curated by the Lindens.
The fourth type of label is intended for the owner of the object to have their own organization, except for technical reasons there's no reason to limit these labels in any way. These labels should not follow with the object if it is sent to someone else however, they should remain private.
Canny complains of too long a text, see continuation in a comment to this comment....
Nyx Onyx
The inventory view(s) should let you display and filter for labels as you wish. If you don't wish to see brand labels and / or search for them, you should be able to disable them for example.
I did mention that the labels should be nestable. This means that you can have a label that is subordinate to another label. You may have a universal (#3) label that is "Pullover" under the label "Shirt" that is under the label "Tops" for example. If you filter your inventory view for Shirt you find both Pullovers and Blouses. This also means that you don't need to assign each of the parent labels explicitly.
In the inventory view, it would be neat to include a default view that is similar to the one we have today, with folder-like presentation, with the "folders" following the nesting of the labels, for example: Apparel > Unisex > Tops > Blouses. With the conversion from folders to labels of existing inventories, this should help giving a smooth transition.
Of course, as you publish on MP, the #1-3 label types would come along - the current categories on MP would be replaced by these labels.
Ziel Omizu
My friends tell me I'm ridiculous for the way that I organize my inventory via Subfolders upon Subfolders upon Subfolders, and rarely (if ever) using the Search function.... but the thing is -- if I DON'T do that, I can't find anything I own! My brain is bad with names, I and I have a LOT of stuff in my inventory, so I'd forget half the stuff I own / have if I didn't categorize and sub-categorize everything.
My Clothes folder, for example. The first level is "Humanoid, Non-Humanoid" - within Humanoid is "Casual, Formal, Fantasy, Punk" etc - and then within one of THOSE folders is "Masc, Fem, Unisex" - and then in one of THOSE is "Tops, Bottoms, Jackets, Shoes". And that's how I find what I own to wear!!
If we implemented a tagging system for Items or Folders, where I could add ALL of those sub-categories I have as tags instead -- then by golly, I might be able to use the Search function!! But unfortunately we don't have that, and Folder names are limited. So I've got Folders upon Folders upon Folders that I am CONSTANTLY organizing and re-organizing and never able to keep up with.
This is a good idea. My method works, but it's not ideal, and MOST users - unlike myself - use the Search function to find what they're looking for. So why NOT add the ability to make the Search function better by user-created tags?
SkyeRyder Varriale
I agree and have recently brought this up with the tech team...they didn't seem to be very interested...
SkyeRyder Varriale
It's hard to even find things in inventory do to the fact that many creators use non-numeric characters in front of their item names. That should not be allowed.
Nazaire Dragonash
Absolutely agree!
Yman Juran
Good idea and another is to let us colorize folders
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