Add list access like string aList[inx/str, (optional)offset], as alternative to llList2String
Tenaar Feiri
I searched, and maybe my wording is terrible and this was already suggested but throwing myself out there anyway.
Can we have features that let us access list entries in ways similar to some other modern scripting languages do?
Since some of the GLTF functions support multiple argument types (which afaik is a first for SL, that a function parameter can optionally have int or string), I'm thinking it could be possible to do something like this:
- someList[0], returns list element index 0 (first element)
- someList[3, 1], returns the first element AFTER 3 (so effectively the 5th element (index 4))
- someList["an entry"], returns the first list element containing "an entry"
- someList["an entry", 1], returns the element succeeding "an entry", if both exist
- someList["an entry", -1], returns the element PREceding "an entry", if both exist
This would always return a string, and I'm led to understand most people use llList2String and typecast to their desired parameter type anyway, so this should be familiar behaviour.
Returns empty string, if the element does not exist.
Here are some examples:
list test = ["blob", "some", "value"];
llOwnerSay(test[1]); // Outputs "some"
llOwnerSay(test["some"]); // Outputs "some"
llOwnerSay(test[1, 1]); // outputs "value"
llOwnerSay(test["some", 1]); // outputs "value"
llOwnerSay(test["some", -1]); // outputs "blob", as the element BEFORE "some"
llOwnerSay(test["not present"]); // Outputs ""
llOwnerSay(test[1337]); // Outputs ""
I am not sure if there would be any performance benefits to reading lists that way, but I think it would be a great convenience option.
This kind of functionality would obsolete llList2String and make strided lists much easier to work with, if we don't have to dedicate script time to doing the math.
I'd also love to be able to edit lists in a similar fashion like: someList[3] = "New value"; but I'll take what I can get!
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Nelson Jenkins
I'm not sure why this couldn't be a user-defined function if you really needed the "llList2String(haystack, llListFindList(haystack, [needle]) + offset)" functionality (with a catch for llListFindList = -1), can't think of an application where you would need to do that though. Unless you're just asking for them to change the syntax of LSL itself, which afaik they have never been receptive to and will be even less so now with Lua on the horizon.
If you really can't live with llList* functions, the LSL preprocessor in some TPVs implements a feature called Lazy Lists that lets you do something similar to this.
Not sure how this helps for strided lists either?
Khalhys Ahren
Unfortunately, I can't provide critique, but it sounds interesting to me. Sadly, I am practically alingual in LSL, and what was typed confused me inconceivably, but only because I don't know LSL. Don't get me wrong; your idea for it is likely a good one.