Add Max FPS setting
Signal Linden
Add a maximum FPS setting for users who which to throttle how often Second Life updates. This is particularly important for users with high refresh rate monitors, where even with vsync enabled SL will run 145 fps+.
This is important as SL currently uses as much GPU resources as it can, turning computers into toasters.
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SovereigntyGreen Resident
The AMD and NVidia control panels have a setting for Max FPS. The NVidia one goes as low as 20fps which is helpful. Not sure about AMD's. Crenex pointed out that third party programs exist for this function on the Alchemy Discord.
Nya Jules
SovereigntyGreen Resident
Thank you, the nvidia setting worked for me. Without limiting FPS the SecondLife Viewer will run at 180 FPS and make it impossible for me to watch a youtube video on another screen since it's stuttering non stop which would literally be a showstopper for me.
Spidey Linden
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.
Peter Stindberg
Grab it from Firestorm - they have it. Since I found that, my fans don't sound like a Boeing during takeoff anymore.
Signal Linden
Peter Stindberg Yes, Firestorm has added a maximum FPS setting to the performance floater. I think this is a good solution, and we could work with them to get it incorporated into the upstream viewer.
JaneRustle Resident
Can someone confirm where this is in Firestorm. Is it the "Enable VSync" on Graphics Hardware settings? Thanks.
Peter Stindberg
JaneRustle Resident
JaneRustle Resident
Many thanks for the quick response Peter.
Tayln Osbourne
Peter Stindberg I would note that Firestorm's implementation seems to cause the viewer to greatly undershoot its FPS target at times. It might be a good idea to investigate a more reliable method. I'm unsure if OpenGL has the same features available to it as Vulkan does for how to present frames (Fences, Semaphores, ect).
SovereigntyGreen Resident
The request was for a max fps setting, not a target fps setting. The request also is focused on the issue of preventing "turning computers into toasters", not fine tuning the fps the viewer churns out. Just an observation: if you set the max fps low enough, precipitous drops in fps won't be so precipitous. Maybe the range of the max fps setting should be limited to prevent precipitous drops.