Add @NAME highlights for SL chat! ✅👀💬
supapuff Resident
Add @name highlights for local chat and group chat.
It would help on keeping up track conversations on cluttered chats AND be useful for when someone @ highlights your name in chat for replies.
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Kimberly Lemongrass
We totally need this feature!
supapuff Resident
Kimberly Lemongrass
Lacie Nolan
I been using the 'keywords' option for years. I added my name to it, and now when anyone says my name the whole comment changes color so I can see someone had asked me something.
When everyones text is white by default you can't keep up when someone says something to you. So I use that keywords option they already have in preferences. (prefs - chat - keywords) Works in group chats too.
supapuff Resident
Lacie Nolan Definitely seen this as useful too ^^ but the issue i always notice with this feature is that it only tracks specific keywords in chat sadly, and is off by default. Names and words tend to be similar too so you get false highlights hehe
With my feature i hope to.. everyone being able to specifically highlight whomst they are speaking to. And if needed, select through a list the participants of the conversation. It all goes towards the goal for continuity of conversations and avoid seeing the whole text chat color white.
Lacie Nolan
supapuff Resident if they implement it...lets hope it don't turn out like facebook where people over use the option to draw attention, and then use the @all or @everyone and we all get spammed over and over.
supapuff Resident
Lacie Nolan Exactly, i hope they do it properly too... lol. In my Details comment i explicitly add that they should let group owners choose at least, but there's could be other ways
Fidget Nebula
Lacie Nolan I have been doing exactly this for years. I also have a HUD I made that flashes when someone in local says my name and even gives the timestamp, user, and message that was said with my name.
Denise Foxtrot
i am not against it per se but for groups it should be a optional setting to allow/disallow by the group owner. its a difference if you have a support group or a chat group . in a support group it can annoy and drive off customers/ppl looking for help if there is nonstop pinging for the owner (who has it most likely deactivated for himself)
supapuff Resident
Denise Foxtrot suggestion added!
Gorgeous Aurelia
i love this
supapuff Resident
Gorgeous Aurelia
supapuff Resident
A function in chat where the user can type "@" and next to it the username of the avatar in question they want to highlight on the conversation.
- It should also highlight your own name in chat when someone uses @ as well.
- In Local chat, only people nearby chat range can use this function.
- In Group chats, either you can always @name anybody inside the group, or only the people that were present on the conversation at the time people chatted in your SL login session.
- This @name highlight function should also work on Private Conference chats.
- This feature could work greater if local and group chats notify you with an icon when you are pinned on a comment.
This feature should be able to be disable on Viewer Preferences, and let a group owner decide whether they want this feature be activated in their group. (In a way to avoid spam, by your own preferences)A cool addition would be able to make appear a list when typing @ on chat, listing the people present on the conversation, or nearby the area whomst name start with a key letter.
This addition should allow to prefer typing username or display names at your own preference.