Add Value To Premium Subscriptions - 1/2 Price Uploads
under review
Bcreative Wilde
I think there needs to be more value added to the regular Premium. With the recent addition of 2K uploads I think this subscription tier needs to be reevaluated to include a tiered fee system for uploads. If Premium plus has most uploads for free why can't the middle tier have a reduction in upload fees as well.
Free Accounts/Plus Accounts:
--- 10L$ - Up to 1K Uploads plus sounds/animations
--- 50L$ - 2K Uploads
--- 5L$ - Up to 1K Uploads plus sounds/animations
--- 25L$ - 2K Uploads
Premium Plus:
--- 0L$ - Up to 1K Uploads plus sounds/animations
--- 10L$ - 2K Uploads
Giving Premium 1/2 price uploads vs. what Free/Plus is paying would give Premium more value and would be a great incentive to join for mid-level creators that can not afford a Premium Plus plan.
The above is just a suggestion from semi current standards of upload fees. I strongly feel that Premium needs more value since the Plus tier basically have about all the features Premium used to have back in the day. So Premium got zero bonuses other than extra land when changes were made to add Plus.
With SLs Bday coming it would be nice to see a nice present for those of us that have a premium account. I currently have a Premium and a Premium Plus account.
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Eventyra Resident
I wrote this before 2K Uploads were free to Premium Plus but I still think the regular "premium" should get 1/2 price on these features to give it more value.
Signal Linden
under review
Kyrah Abattoir
This sounds like an awful idea, but free upload was already an awful idea.
SL Feedback
Cutie Crush
Bcreative Wilde
Curious what OPEN means? I guess it is better than closed... oh wait I see they merged a post similar to mine so that could be it.. merged but still open
LuhlePro Resident
Most head textures are 2048x2048, now because of this increase I could end up spending 600L and more just for textures. I barely make any profit as is so now this just makes me want to quit :/
Bcreative Wilde
I feel like i should update this since there are new current rates:
Current Rates For uploads:
Free Accounts/Plus Accounts:
--- 10L$ - Up to 1K Uploads plus sounds/animations
--- 50L$ - 2K Uploads
--- 10L$ - Up to 1K Uploads plus sounds/animations
--- 40L$ - 2K Uploads
Premium Plus:
--- 0L$ - Up to 1K Uploads plus sounds/animations
--- 0L$ - 2K Uploads
Though it is nice for a small tier cut for 2K uploads for Premium being 40LI think we can do better than this. Lets give regular Premium more perks than the Basic Free/Plus accounts. Some of us have been paying for years and others that invested in SL have a Lifetime account so they are locked and can't shift to at Premium Plus account to save on uploads.
Better Rates based off current rates:
Free Accounts/Plus Accounts:
--- 10L$ - Up to 1K Uploads plus sounds/animations
--- 50L$ - 2K Uploads
--- 5L$ - Up to 1K Uploads plus sounds/animations
--- 25L$ - 2K Uploads
Premium Plus:
--- 0L$ - Up to 1K Uploads plus sounds/animations
--- 0L$ - 2K Uploads
Best Dream Rates based off current Rates:
Free Accounts/Plus Accounts:
--- 10L$ - Up to 1K Uploads plus sounds/animations
--- 20L$ - 2K Uploads
--- 5L$ - Up to 1K Uploads plus sounds/animations
--- 10L$ - 2K Uploads
Premium Plus:
--- 0L$ - Up to 1K Uploads plus sounds/animations
--- 0L$ - 2K Uploads
Bcreative Wilde
Ooh looks like they listened partly and gave free uploads to Premium Plus.
Now could we please add value to the regular Premium and Premium Lifetime? Half price of what Basic accounts pay please!
Marty Mouse
nice but why premium plus should pay for 2k textures upload, it should be free as well i think and premium plus should have free mesh upload included too, for premium 50% off:)
Eren Padar
Bcreative Wilde I think it should be taken even further. If a person is paying nearly ten bucks a month membership on SL ($120 a year)... why should they be charged for uploads at all? And frankly, $50 a month for "Premium Plus" is an absurd fee. I don't know of any game that charges that kind of subscription fee. Yes, I know... SL isn't a "game". But games are their direct competition... and last time I heard games like WoW pull more profit per month than SL. Maybe LL needs to take a hint from such "games" and earn their profit through improved service rather than price gouging their customers.
Eren Padar
rhet0rica Resident I agree that 2K textures are questionable... since currently their 512 textures don't upload properly due to several bottlenecks (and that's been the case for over 20 years). Some people's graphics system glitch on 1K textures, let alone 2K (which is 4 times larger).
There are times that 2K textures are warranted, but such cases are rare. However, I can't help but think of all the things we do on OPENSIM that work just absolutely fine... and for some unfathomable reason Linden Lab says won't work on Second Life. These days I can hardly tolerate building on SL with its prim size limits and its link limits and land size limits. On Opensim I have a mega-spaceship that is 1,000 prims, 105m long... all linked as one object, flies beautifully and causes zero lag. And I can fly that ship across 25 regions all linked together with no sim lines (one "VAR").
So sometimes one just has to wonder about these evidently arbitrary limits and problems that seem to exist only on SL. (I know I kinda go sidetracked there, but these things kind of all tie together when it comes to creative ability.)
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