I love exploring Second Life but a major issue I have is when you search up a term, the only metric you can go on is a very loose tag and traffic. The ability to add more filters, like if a location is newly added to the Places search, would give people the ability to explore and find these new locations to visit, rather than them being buried under things that will have consistent traffic. Or, allow for searching by when it was first added.
There's also a significant amount that have 0 traffic but you never can tell if it's just not been visited or if it's yet another dead sim without having to dive deeper. Clearing out dead locations on non-existent sims would go a long way to help with this, but differentiating with "0" in traffic for no visitors and "OFFLINE" in the traffic if it's offline can help those that have had no visitors not just get lost in a sea of the dead.
Lastly, a better tagging system could really help. Giving a way to have multiple tags to make searching and finding locations easier could be highly beneficial for finding new places to check out.
(On a personal note, the ability to separate Gaming and Skill Gaming could be a great help, especially as there's an overabundance of skill-gaming regions at the top of any gaming search and they're not technically what people would be looking for through gaming)