Allow a user to log on Invisible
Madi Melodious
Sometimes you just want to log in without anyone on your friends list knowing you are online. Put a button on the log in screen that will allow a user to log in and be invisible to anyone on your friends list for that session or till you change it.
Log In
Sylwia Obolensky
Oh no, i dont think thats a good idea. If you dont want to be bothered there is a the "busy" mode already. HIding from people is not ok.
Madi Melodious
Sylwia Obolensky Even with the busy option you still have people that will see you online and drop by to chat.
Sylwia Obolensky
Madi Melodiousyes ok but u can ignore, tell them or close your land etc.
Madi Melodious
Sylwia Obolensky I don't think you understand the nature of this request. That suggestion causes all the problems this request seeks to avoid.
Ysa Mayako
Sylwia Obolensky, it is absolutely okay for people to choose to not be bothered for whatever amount of time they wish, without having to explain themselves to other people - especially those who would think it's "not okay" to be expected to mind their own business and leave people alone, sometimes.
Sylwia Obolensky
Ysa Mayako I am allowed to have my opinion on this like anybody else. Still i am for honesty.
Ysa Mayako
Sylwia Obolensky, and I am for living a peaceful existence without having to explain oneself to twenty-seven different people, just because one wants some time alone. People who feel entitled to others' privacy, at any and all times, are annoying a.f. and partly the reason for so many of us wanting this feature to be made available to SL residents. We should all be afforded our private time, without people knowing we're online, if we so choose.
Sylwia Obolensky
Ysa Mayakothats ok. You can state your opinion. No need to convince me in my comment on the topic.
Solanghe Sarlo
Sylwia Obolensky While I appreciate your opinion, those of us who feel differently would like to have the option. I already use the 'busy' notification, it's not enough. The only reason my alt was born was for the sole purpose of allowing me to have some true alone time when online without the chance of hurting someone's feelings. We shouldn't have to do that. Most social media platform and forum, etc. has a "show offline" option. If you don't want to use it, you can choose not to.
Sylwia Obolensky
Solanghe Sarlo yes, thats fine with me. i am not having a say in the decision if LL will give that option or not. i simply stated my opinion. you dont need to convince me ♥
00 Python
i have a friend who is online nearly 24/7 who will- without fail invite me to hang out in no rez sims when i log in explicitly to work on things that need to be rezed. if i don't take their invite they think I'm mad at them and get all huffy. while I do have an alt I would rather not have to resort to having 3 instances of SL open at once just to work on something and not upset my old friend (the 3 being main account, main account on the test grid for file verification purposes because i am awful with versioning, and alt account on the main grid in a sandbox).
Dictatorshop Resident
I added this to the older feedback system over 17 years ago (with my main alt) and it sat open for pretty much all the years until this new feedback system took over. It is seriously annoying that it is impossible to be truly invisible on log in.
I would actually like a dev environment I could log into that would set me completely aside from SL, no group notices, no IMs, nothing. Just log in and work blissfully unaware of the world around.
Then when I was ready to deal with the world I could leave that little protected pocket world and get on with things (with all of my work showing in my regular inventory). Given that it is clearly technically infeasible for LL to make us invisible on log in, this little pocket space we could work in seems like it could be put in front of all that other stuff to create a true invisibility. just a thought. Perhaps as a enticement to premium plus?
Signal Linden
Nya Jules
While there are legit reasons to log in invisible, there would also be downsides to it. The easier you make it for a user to appear invisible (like a checkbox on the login screen), the more people will use it without a real reason but simply because they can control who they're gonna speak with in this session.
I compare this to the away/invisible status in the old ICQ days where in the end everyone on your list was at least in "away" mode even if they were present, simply because it made them not feel the need to respond in time to everyone. It became a habit, also for me. I suppose it's similar to Discord nowadays. Both in ICQ and Discord you at least had the "away" mode that users could "fall back" to, instead of having to go for the nuclear invisible option.
In the end it could lead to not so few users defaulting to invisible and making everyone's friends lists smaller.
Skot Kinsella
Nya Jules, this should be up to each individual user though, how they log on, and who sees them. Some people get absolutely massacred at log in, or need time to respond to previous DMs. I do not see a downside to each user having the ability to log in invisible if they want.
Kyrah Abattoir
Not the worst idea, SL already does it sometimes on accident lol.
jackiewallace Resident
It can be a good idea, but at this moment your online status is separated. 1. Agent online status in viewer. 2. Agent online status in scripts ->
oOPanChanOo Resident
you have the option to turn it of in your freiendslist
Solanghe Sarlo
oOPanChanOo Resident Yes, but if you are in the same groups, they can still see if you are online in the group info if member list is available.
Bleuhazenfurfle Resident
What, you mean you don't have separate accounts? Seems like a you problem to me. (Also, this is rather problematic for a bunch of reasons.)
Back when I created this account, I pretty much let my other one drift off into being my builder account — also helped by having just experienced a period of pretty much everyone I knew before then going and getting real lives (not always intentionally) and leaving SL (sucks to be them, right?). Now I don't get bothered when I'm using it, and for those few who still know me on there, I let people know when I'll be logging in my main, and not to expect prompt responsiveness until then (and have actually unfriended people who are pestuous — if that upsets them, then they clearly weren't particularly good friends to begin with).
For those of you having this issue, I would suggest this is a great time to be spinning up a new account; PBR is still pretty new, and you've still got a whole bunch of legacy stuff you're using. But once you're wearing that shiny new PBR gear exclusively, and the old legacy stuff is starting to look a little drab and dated, you'll be fine. You'll be hopping back and forth for a couple years in the meantime, but the transition take eventually.
Problem solved. (If only you'd done it sooner!)
Orion Greymoon
Absolutely agree. This has come up numerous times the 18+ years I've been in SL, and never makes it to roadmap / development.
For several use cases, I would like to be able to login to SL and not be distracted / bugged by messages / friends / group notices / etc., until I'm ready.
Quite honestly, this is one reason I spend less time, and L$, in SL than I used to.
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