Allow a user to log on Invisible
Madi Melodious
Sometimes you just want to log in without anyone on your friends list knowing you are online. Put a button on the log in screen that will allow a user to log in and be invisible to anyone on your friends list for that session or till you change it.
Log In
Kyrah Abattoir
Not the worst idea, SL already does it sometimes on accident lol.
jackiewallace Resident
It can be a good idea, but at this moment your online status is separated. 1. Agent online status in viewer. 2. Agent online status in scripts ->
oOPanChanOo Resident
you have the option to turn it of in your freiendslist
Bleuhazenfurfle Resident
What, you mean you don't have separate accounts? Seems like a you problem to me. (Also, this is rather problematic for a bunch of reasons.)
Back when I created this account, I pretty much let my other one drift off into being my builder account — also helped by having just experienced a period of pretty much everyone I knew before then going and getting real lives (not always intentionally) and leaving SL (sucks to be them, right?). Now I don't get bothered when I'm using it, and for those few who still know me on there, I let people know when I'll be logging in my main, and not to expect prompt responsiveness until then (and have actually unfriended people who are pestuous — if that upsets them, then they clearly weren't particularly good friends to begin with).
For those of you having this issue, I would suggest this is a great time to be spinning up a new account; PBR is still pretty new, and you've still got a whole bunch of legacy stuff you're using. But once you're wearing that shiny new PBR gear exclusively, and the old legacy stuff is starting to look a little drab and dated, you'll be fine. You'll be hopping back and forth for a couple years in the meantime, but the transition take eventually.
Problem solved. (If only you'd done it sooner!)
Orion Greymoon
Absolutely agree. This has come up numerous times the 18+ years I've been in SL, and never makes it to roadmap / development.
For several use cases, I would like to be able to login to SL and not be distracted / bugged by messages / friends / group notices / etc., until I'm ready.
Quite honestly, this is one reason I spend less time, and L$, in SL than I used to.
Paul Hexem
Every time this idea comes up, it's pointed out that 20 years of content relies on detecting us accurately, making it a non-starter. How is this different?
Timothy McGregor
This doesn't necessarily need to have anything to do with content. Just:
1) Throw a master toggle on the already existing option to individually determine whether a friend can see your online status, so that the option can be enabled/disabled for all friends at once.
2) When in this mode, report offline to groups, so you don't get group chat and you do not show online in group members lists.
I don't think it's necessary to go full stealth mode where your presence information is completely disconnected from the simulators - that would break a ton of core stuff, not just content.
It's not a bullet proof privacy measure, but it would go a decent way toward avoiding avalanches of IMs for many people the second they log in. We don't always log in to socialize. If someone's got a stalker level friend willing to go out of their way to get around this simple mechanism, they have bigger problems to deal with anyway.
Madi Melodious
Paul Hexem In all the viewers you have the option to toggle your online status to individual users on your friends list. All this request would do would toggle those as you log in. No content would be broken as scripts and group access would still show you online.
Of course, I wouldn't mind it if did block those last two, even if it did break some consent.
Alvi Halderman
The only way this should be implemented is if the account’s UUID can remain offline since there are numerous trackers available. I also assume some third-party viewers could allow users to check the status based on UUID rather than the SL profile, so this would be very important.
But all in all I agree, this is definitely a feature that I've been missing a lot!
deplove Resident
I also find this proposal interesting, e.g., even though I had disabled seeing myself online from friends on my list and not, I have been called several times while trying to work on my meshes and several times I made mistakes because I was distracted. I never checked since in my dashboard I see friends on line and not but not me. If I remove visibility in the dashboard of a friend on the list does he see me on line, even though in world to him I am not ? For those who have not noticed by opening your dashboard in the bottom left corner there is the on line and off line list of friends on the list.
Aser Corvinus
Yep, offline in your profile search to friends, groups, if someone IM you they get a you are offline response automatically. The works.
sparkie Hallard
I do agree especially for creators.. login on to customer ims and you get jumped on by friends and end up juggling the whole lot together. Sometimes you just need to get the business out the way or any creating that is important in privacy
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