Allow Business Accounts to Share Access Responsibly
under review
Deathrowdesigns Resident
As a long-time business owner in Second Life, managing operations efficiently is crucial. Recently, enforcement of the TOS on account sharing led to the deletion of our entire marketplace with over 2000 listings, severely disrupting our business. Deathrowdesigns (DRD) serves over 10,000 customers and manages more than 3,000 items, making single-person management infeasible.
I propose creating a system for obtaining written consent to share business accounts among trusted individuals, specifically for business operations. This would help businesses like ours continue to thrive without compromising account security. Additionally, it would ensure compliance with the TOS while providing a practical solution for businesses that need to share account responsibilities.
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Kyrah Abattoir
I'd prefer LL to favor small single-person businesses...
BJoyful Resident
Kyrah Abattoir I think a huge powerful Store has many fans to support this Feature Request so that will be a boon from little businesses also ♥
ThundrCoder Resident
The most voted issue, please do something about it.
Lex Macabre
Please review this in detail as we desperately need it!
MadMacit Resident
Totally agree.
You cannot run a business with thousands of items and hundreds of thousands customers as a single man show.
You need a team, and you need to share accounts to manage a large inventory and the customers!
Folkloric Resident
Late to this, but would be great -- We absolutely support this idea.
Tapple Gao
a way to "buy/use items on behalf of another" would also be great for setting up a noob or lazy person's avatar:
- noob sets up a team
- noob invites a private shopper to team
- private shopper buys all the parts of an avatar for the team: body, head, hair, shoes, clothes, ao
- private shopper leaves team
- noob has a ready-to-use avatar
Green Cloud
My suggestion would also be to identify the creator's profile (after a thorough review by Linden Lab) and, in the account profile of the Merchant/Creator who is consistently developing and seeking innovations for the community and meets certain requirements, label them as a merchant. One way to do this might be to mark it under the "Account" section in the profile, where it currently shows "resident" – instead, identify them as a Developer, someone who is actively working daily for the community.
sallyG1rl Resident
Why haven't they done this already? Only makes sense if you want to encourage developers to market designs and grow a business. ESPECIALLY when you get real coin for every sale, upload, etc.
REALLY makes sense for nonprofits and actual RL firms too. There was a time major companies tried to enter SL with their brand.
Spooky Pumpkins
At this point, it may even be a good option for LL to offer a separate level of Premium specifically designed for business accounts.
It could be similar to Premium Plus but even maybe one tier higher or a side-tier (same price, different perks)
Things they could allow could be
- Exempt of Upload fees
- Offer $L stipend or land credits to be optional. Not opting in can offer a discount on the premium fee?
- Discounts on sim creation or service fees
- Higher Cash out cap
- Special note in profile (instead of saying payment info used, make it say Business Account)
- Split cash-out payments amongst multiple accounts in a single cash-out
- Automatic $L profit split
- Assigning certain residents (with their permission) to receive the account's off-line messages in their own inbox (think CSRs)
- Allowing multiple IPs to log into the account (exempt of sharing TOS)
Could even have it set up so you can have a personal password for the account creator/main account holder, and have it automatically generate password keys to give to your employees, which only the main account holder can deactivate at any time. This prevents having to constantly change the PW every time you hire or lose a staff member.
It would require a re-work of the web-based login, or you could even restrict access to the web logins if you are using a generated passkey to access the account in-world or on the marketplace.
There's loads of ideas here LL - you can definitely capitalize on this if you create enough incentive - I am sure there are some creators willing to swap their premium subs for a special Business type subscription.
Lex Macabre
Spooky Pumpkins really great ideas here
Saffia Widdershins
I completely agree with the creation of business accounts. It would benefit not only businesses per see but also people trying to run large scale events (including nonprofits) on an annual basis.
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