allow to delete sent group notices
Salt Peppermint
allow group notice creator / group owner to delete sent notices. Sometimes it happens by accident that attachment were sent, or wrong info was accidentally given. Most brands experienced the error of accidentally sending a fatpack instead of a demo in the notices and it would be great to have the option to delete that.
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Spidey Linden
Merged in a post:
IM "unsend" Feature and "edit" feature for group notices
spirit Wingtips
I would like the Ability to "unsend" messages in Instant Messages "IM's", it's a common occurrence for residents to send the wrong IM to say a business chat instead of the person they mean to, the ability to "unsend" for everyone would be welcome. that way it would delete both within the chat AND in any chat logs or history, also a way to edit sent group notices, people often sometimes put the wrong Landmark or SLurl or make typos or simply forget to add something. it would be great to be able to pull back up that same message and edit it without having to send a separate one with corrections.
Bavid Dailey
Counter example : group sends a message for an event in 2 hours. I, a group member receive the message and make plans to attend, and log off for the intervening period. Group admin realises mistake, unsends the message. I log back in for the scheduled time, what should I see?
a) Message i acted on has disappeared. Perhaps I saved an attachment also now suspect.
b) Message gets marked "unsent" in some way , at least i know the event has been cancelled.
Seems to me it is easy to conjure up cans of worms by unsending things. Better to send another notice cancelling the event, isn't it?
I realise you had a different scenario in mind, but my scenario shows that you proposed solution has unintended consequences.
spirit Wingtips
Bavid Dailey Actually your possibilities are are uite similar to what i had in mind, along the way that facebook messenger does it.
Spidey Linden
Merged in a post:
The ability to Delete Group Notices for Group Owners/Assigned Roles
Bubblez Lemon
The ability to delete a group notice if we own or maintain the group as a role assigned to do so.
Frequently, we send the wrong attachments or information and we should be able to control this without shutting our notices off for 2 weeks to a group.
Apple Dismantled
I'd really love to see this be a feature. Over the years I've unfortunately seen store owners accidentally send blogger packs out in their regular store groups more often than I'd like to admit and it's just sad how much $$ and work they lose when it happens.
The current "fix" turning off notices for 2 weeks is ridiculous for such a situation and SL needs something better.
Linn Darkwatch
Since it would be very difficult to delete notices once sent, esp. if they had attachments already downloaded by some, how about a deliberate lag that the owner of the group could set for notices? Say something like all notices will be delayed by 1 minute after hitting Send, during which time the Send may be canceled by the poster. Which would not avoid but probably reduce the incidents like "Oh no, I just sent that private event notice to the wrong group".
DarkenedCharli Resident
Linn Darkwatch Personally, I admit to being accident prone. I completely agree with your comment. I will also dump the idea of the Group character limit needs to be fixed! Drives me nuts that the box says its okay, press send, gets cut off in actual finished post.
Linn Darkwatch
DarkenedCharli Resident Or, since longer posts can be done as attached notecards, a clearer indicator when you're at the limit. But I think that is a topic for a separate Suggestion.
Drake1 Nightfire
Linn Darkwatch Or a secondary "Are you sure you want to send this notice" drop down.
spirit Wingtips
Drake1 Nightfire that should be standard on all notices sent.
Caren Jewell
Great Idea!!!!
Tay Atheria
Absolutely agree
Sashee Alectoris
This seems like a much needed addition!
Kore Jardberg
I understand why you would ask for such a feature. However, there is a problem with your request here: the notice was already sent. How do you want it to be deleted once it's been delivered? Deleting it from the archive would just make it look like it was never delivered, even though it was. Even for people that are offline during the delivery, the notice was already in the pipe and will show up when the people log in again. This is, to the best of my knowledge, the same as asking to delete chat messages: this could only be done before the delivery or it will just apply to your local storage. If your idea is to make the notice mutable, i.e. that it could be modified AFTER the delivery, then other problems would arise: how would you make people that have already read the notice, to check on the new notice? I truly believe the only solution is to send a new notice, i.e. what we do already. But if you have a better solution that would answer the problems I mentioned above, I'm all ears.
Bubblez Lemon
Kore Jardberg - I get what you're saying and yes it can be modified after delivery or nulled completely as options too. From what I have seen after delivery - an attachment can't be saved unless physically going to a group to grab it at least for 3rd party viewers, so when a good majority is offline to not grab it, it helps, especially in that oops moment. I can log and see the notice in my notifications and try to accept the attachment but it won't show in my inventory unless I go in to the group personally so I feel if that can be done, the option to void it completely can be done with the proper scripts or whatever handles that portion. I'm hopeful on it or at least more control of group settings.
spirit Wingtips
Kore Jardberg, my idea is when you "unsend" you unsend for everyone including the sent message ( including contents like landmarks, textures and objects) would be removed from the recievers inventory as well.
Kilolo Jenkins
This would be WONDERFUL!
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