Allow users to buy more LI for private regions.
under review
Zandrae Nova
Currently, a private region allows 20,000 land impact, and you can pay x amount of money a month to get 10,000 more land impact, which is great. However, I know that some large busy sims that are at 29k and in a constant state of prim crisis. In these sims, we're stifled when it comes to not being able to do temporary event builds and other innovation.
I stopped by the official Welcome Hub and noticed that it's got 45k land impact used and a 58k total land impact. What this says is that it's possible to go higher.
So I'm suggesting allowing users who have already upgraded to 30k and are actually using at least 25k of it be able to purchase an additional 10k. By making it this way, people will still want to be efficient because money is money, but, give them the ability to get some breathing room if they feel they need it enough to spend the extra money.
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Frankk Parisi
I wonder if there has been any more thinking on this - i see its been under review since last May. It would be great to have the option to increase 30K sims even by another 10K say (to start/try out/test the impact for LL), if 20K is too much server side/technically? Would be great to get an update if possible
Madi Melodious
I wouldn't mind being able to upgrade my homestead from 5k to 10k prims.
Nelson Jenkins
I think tiers for 20k, 30k, 40k, and MAYBE 50k would be sufficient. (I'm not against 10k, though I'm not sure if there is any incentive for LL to do that - considering how expensive 5k regions are already, which I believe run on different infrastructure, I can't imagine 10k could be that much cheaper.)
I can't imagine a scenario where anything over 50k would be necessary unless the region is really poorly optimized to begin with, especially considering the recent 15% drop in LI across the board.
I don't think there is any real reason to lock that upgrade behind "you need to use 25k first" - if I want a 50k region, I don't want to have to build half of it, then sit around waiting for an upgrade support ticket to go through. If I want to pay for 50k and use 0, why not let me?
ST33LDI9ITAL Resident
I think you should be able to purchase upgrade Li for any parcel size. Imo it makes even more sense for small parcels because it's a real struggle to make a nice place on a 1024 parcel. Additional upgradeable prim/land impact tiers.
Spidey Linden
under review
Amnesia Babii
I agree & also I believe people would benefit from a 10,000 prim Region aswell, a lot of people don't want to rent a parcel of land with 10k prims and have neighbors they want the privacy of a homestead with EM rights & 5k homestead isn't enough prims