Alpha-enhanced clothing hides the meshes underneath
linda Foodiboo
the semi-transparent skirt makes the panties invisible, this has been happening for a very long time, if you make a mesh transparent by applying a slight degree of transparency, unfortunately the mesh underneath, although completely opaque, becomes invisible, to make it reappear under the semi-transparent mesh you need to make the latter completely invisible or even remove it from the avatar and then make it reappear, is it possible to fix this?
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Celestine Ghiardie
Beq from the Firestorm team made an excellent blog post on her blog "Beq's techy blog" on how to deal with this exact issue. i can't link to the blog directly here. but the entry title was "Alpha blend issues? Get them sorted"
Atomic Infinity
Not sure if it helps, but there is an order to render priority so if you attach things with transparency to parts of the body that fit the order you see them, these issues can sometimes be fixed.
There is an article about it here :