Avatar attachment load order?
Soanos Pacer
It would be nice if we were given the option to set a loading order for our attachments.
These days a lot of clothing and body mods have auto alpha scripts that run the moment they are attached.
But right now there are massive problems with the chaotic, unpredictable attachment loading order chosen by the asset server.
For example, now when I change an outfit with a different mesh body, my clothes and body mesh addons load up first, and run their auto alpha scripts BEFORE the mesh body itself attaches, which leads into the automatic alpha cuts not being applied to the body. This results into having to manually remove every single the attachment that failed to apply the auto alpha and then re-add them so they can run their script again.
This will also cause additional server script time being used, which is a major contributor to region performance.
I suggest an option to change loading order of attachments, or ability to give them a load priority user could set.
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Medea Destiny
To be brutally frank, this only happens because the people coding the auto-alpha systems screwed up. Quite aside from the advantages that using the BOM alpha layer system has (not least, auto-alpha systems were invented before we had BOM and the entire alpha slice method was a solution was while thus necessary at the time is HORRIBLE for SL performance), there's absolutely no good reason why any mesh body today shouldn't have a fully robust auto-alpha system that doesn't care what order things are attached or detached in -- it just takes a very basic handshake protocol to do. Maybe this is an issue that should be addressed to the third-party companies responsible rather than hoping for additional work from the user, increasing the SL learning curve even more, and a new viewer UI element to fix?
Which I think raises a pertinent question -- are there other advantages that would come from such a system? For example, could something along these lines improve the random rez order issue that results in people turning up to new locations briefly naked?
RestrainedRaptor Resident
The real issue here is commercial mesh body makers that refuse to use the provided BoM alpha system, and also don't test their scripts under different load conditions.
It would be trivial for them to either make their bodies alpha-masked and use BoM textures, allowing any LL alpha layer to work (including ones that create masks which would be impossible using the resource-intensive mesh slicing system they've unleashed on us all), and/or have their scripts run a few times on a timer after being worn to ensure that out-of-order attachment wearing doesn't cause problems.
Please, people. We have had BoM and universal skin/clothing layers for years now. Use them! Save us from this madness.
primerib1 Resident
RestrainedRaptor Resident That would be ideal but the world is not ideal and there are already lots of pieces of clothing that works by alpha slice signaling.
Hope Dreier
I expect that it will not be trivial to implement, but it would be a great benefit to all us fashionistas.
Spidey Linden
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.
primerib1 Resident
Yes, please!
I have a dress that flatteringly hug my body, and to do that it signals the body to make my nipples and areolas disappear. If the dress rezzes before the body, then my nipples and areolas clip through, necessitating a detach-reattach, which is quite annoying.
SandorWren Resident
I absolutely agree!!!
Soxy Whisper
BoM too
RestrainedRaptor Resident
Soxy Whisper Ironically, BoM with alpha masking totally removes this issue, but most mesh body/clothing makers don't use it at all.