It would be nice if we were given the option to set a loading order for our attachments.
These days a lot of clothing and body mods have auto alpha scripts that run the moment they are attached.
But right now there are massive problems with the chaotic, unpredictable attachment loading order chosen by the asset server.
For example, now when I change an outfit with a different mesh body, my clothes and body mesh addons load up first, and run their auto alpha scripts BEFORE the mesh body itself attaches, which leads into the automatic alpha cuts not being applied to the body. This results into having to manually remove every single the attachment that failed to apply the auto alpha and then re-add them so they can run their script again.
This will also cause additional server script time being used, which is a major contributor to region performance.
I suggest an option to change loading order of attachments, or ability to give them a load priority user could set.