Bionic Reading as Accessability for users with Reading Impairments
marxman1313 Resident
First off, I apologize in advance if this is somehow in the wrong section. This is my first time making a request and it's saying "Feature Requests" at the top but other fillouts suggest this is a bug report so I don't know if I am in the right section or not.
Bionic Reading is a font format that displays a number of the first letters in a word in Bold with the rest in regular non-bold font. I forget the exact neurological science behind this but it allows many people with ADHD or other people who would normally struggle greatly with reading text to visually & mentally process the words much quicker and more effectively.
There are plugins for this on popular internet browsers but they do not work in Second Life as far as I am aware. But seeing as a large percentage of users are disabled in some way shape or form providing accessibility tools like these would help the userbase greatly.
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Marion Foxpaws
I think this would be a wonderful addition to SL viewers!
Khalhys Ahren
As a neurodivergent user myself, it is always beautiful for me to see people advocate for people with disabilities.
marxman1313 Resident
Khalhys Ahren I have ADHD with autistic traits myself so when I found out about this earlier this year I knew it was something I needed to share with people. I have a web plugin and it allows me to actually just up and read without having to go back and forth 5 times because my eyes are moving faster than my brain can process text.
I just think I remember hearing bionic makes two parts of the brain work together but I don't remember for certain.