Bring back the my second life link to the dashboard
Rowan Amore
While I don't use it myself, people do use this feature to interact with friends, post pictures, or any number of things possible on that page without having to log in. I realize the entire web feed thing hasn't been worked on in years and IIRC, is on the way out but it should still be available on the dashboard. As it is now, people have to work around to get into that page.
Log In
Rose Aima
Please, please bring it back!
Taima Fang
200% agree. I went looking for this feature as it is a great feature, I also want to point out it was a way of not having to be online to change certain moderations we have for specific people, like if we wanted to pass edits to someone without having to get online if we could not be online we could manage from our cell phone to do it. The feed would also be a great thing if we could actually use it much like a "suggestion" space as well. So maybe integrate the two things.
Dell Battery
100% agree with you. It’s just a link on the dashboard :) no idea why they took it off :) btw I use it a lot so it would be nice to get it back