Built-in AO like in Firestorm
juliet Avon
It would be nice to have a the current feature that exists in firestorm, Build in AO so your not forced to use a hud.
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Ecko Soulstar
Before I even read below: Today I updated and installed the official SL viewer after 3 years of ignoring it completely, preferring Firestorm. I did so after hearing Philip's call to help improve.
ALL of my preference had been reset to the default at install, and I expected that. It's messier than I remembered, and I like it less. But I'm here to help.
If someone asked me to help them into SL today. My very first obstacle is what viewerer they are using, because I can't help if them if it's so vastly different from what the majority of people use.. It shouldn't be that way.
It's the small things like a built in AO, that would help us loyal FS users, to better serve new users signing up on the SL viewer. (And bring back the build pie menu we've used thousands of time a day for literal yrs -wtaf?)
No one wants to stand/move around like a poopy pants stick puppet until they figure out they even need an AO to stop looking like that.. and then they have to figure out how to find one? At least give those horrifying Senra bodies better options then standing around looking poopy and confused by everything. It's demoralizing, really, what default options we present to our new residents.
Both need to be addressed. Built in AO, that offers at least a couple options of more modern, clean, and dignified default avatar animation for walk and stand. They don't have to be spectacular, but can't we grow up from suffering the waddle, and scavenging for more reasonable 'basics' like a built-in AO?
LexxLuthor Lane
vote for built in AO, very good feature of firestorm!
Katherine Heartsong
100% this.
Spidey Linden
Issue accepted. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future release notes for this fix.
Crush Cutie
We (catznip) proposed something similar to LL a while back, there were follow up discussions but they proved fruitless. Mainly dominated by trying to bring developers up to speed on animation overrides in general; Why people have them, why they might want more than one, and why the existing script interfaces are inadequate.
We proposed ..
-- A new "Animation Set' inventory asset. --
This editable asset would bundle many animations, under many common slot headings (such as stands, walks, etc). The animation set could then be declared as 'active' in the viewer. The server then automatically selects the correct contextual animation from the active set / slot.
Animation sets would allow for multiple animations to be present in each slot, and present the option for the server to select the playing contextual animation randomly, sequentially with options for timing.
-- Why this is important. --
Animations over rides are SL's body language. It is not uncommon for users to have multiple AO's and pick and choose depending on mood or context. An animation set asset would make selecting the desired 'mood' easy.
Any updated animation override system needs to be at least as capable as a script AO, or it wont get wide spread use.
Animation sets could be included with outfits like avatar physics - different avatars automatically get different AO's without the need for scripted objects.
Animation sets can be sold by merchants as a single item. Buy an entire AO, and get an editable single asset rather than a scripted object or animations.
Animation's should be copyable/transferable from the set to inventory, just like AO's can be rezzed in world and their contents extracted.
Kristy Aurelia
Crush Cutie: > Animation sets can be sold by merchants as a single item. Buy an entire AO, and get an editable single asset rather than a scripted object or animations.
How would that work in terms of mixing and matching AOs? Currently my AO is a mix of animations I pulled out of three different AOs.
Crush Cutie
Kristy Aurelia: The idea is you can recover individual animations from the 'set' asset, and then build your own, or add them into another set you already own.
Kristy Aurelia
Crush Cutie: Okay. That sounds fine... as long as there is no way to make it no-mod.
Crush Cutie
Kristy Aurelia: Someone can already make a no-copy no-mod AO if they wanted, this probably shouldn't be any different in what it allows.
Kristy Aurelia
Crush Cutie: But you can remove contents from no-mod items. Meaning you can get a no-mod AO and still use the animations to setup a custom one.
Crush Cutie
Kristy Aurelia: In which case it should work the same as a rezzable prim should work.
The idea is to replace the entire scripted AO, that comes in a attachment and can be rezzed and manipulated. That's only viable if the replacement comes with (at least) all the same end user options.
dantia Gothly
If this gets picked up please re-write the animation system or replace it with something else. currently there are a large number of animation bugs from animations failing to transition from one to the next and animations just waiting causing you to lose control input when it hangs on prejump and standup just as an example. the list goes on. IK is also a much desired function we want and want control over as scripters and animators. Give us the tools to make the game feel much better than is.
Kadah Coba
Preferably something better. The FS one mostly emulates the standard features seen in old scripted AOs with some extras for states that the viewer has better visibility on verses LSL.
The LSL AO functions were a step, but that was a very long time ago now and are basic.
Gwyneth Llewelyn
I'd settle for a built-in pose stand :)