bulk notecard and texture downloads
Terri Wardell
I have hundreds of notecards and textures which I created that I'd like to remove from my inventory and store on my hard drive. This would tremendously "unclutter" my inventory and also allow me to browse and houseclean offline, saving tons of time and effort.
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Spidey Linden
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.
Peter Stindberg
Back in the day, Teen Grid prodigy Katharine Berry made first steps into being able to mount your inventory as a drive in Mac OS. I also dimly remember one viewer - maybe a very early version of the viewer that later became Firestorm - where you could bulk-download textures.
All those tools and approaches got frozen/terminated in the first wave of general CopyBot awareness.
Copybotting concerns aside, there IS a lot in our inventories where we have full rights / authorshop / ownership to, which we SHOULD be able to bulk download. A mounted file system would be a dream, but a bulk download would be very welcome.