Camera pans up right when editing object, after having set camera with script
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AlanDerek Astral
I am trying to be a bit efficient when taking photos in game, and made a small script to set the camera in the same position every time I want to take the same type of photo. However, when I right click and select edit to change the texture of the mesh I am taking photos of, the camera pans up right, breaking the nice setup I had done.
When I hit Esc I get the camera back in position but I lose the edit window. This makes the whole process very in-efficient.
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AlanDerek Astral
It is not on an attachement, bit a prim I sit on. It's ok tough, someone told me a workaround, namely open the edit window with ctrl-3 before clicking the object, instead of right-click and select edit directly on the object.
Spidey Linden
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Dan Linden
Hi AlanDerek.
Is the script on an attachment? I tested with a script in an attachment that set my camera position and when I edit an object, my camera seems to point at me. It's worked this way for a at least 3 years, maybe forever. Changing this would be a feature request.
Moving this to the feature request queue.
Please feel free to add additional information about how this change would be a beneficial feature.