Divide Head and Body Shapes
Buttacwup Float
There would be a huge benefit to creating two separate wearable objects one with the shape settings for heads and another with the settings for bodies. If dividing the base shape is not feasible then having a built in official way to manage the settings for each and upload/download them as needed would be a good alternative. Actual shapes though make it very easy when swapping a head to simply wear the appropriate shape.
Another alternative would be to allow shape settings to be adjusted via LSL.
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Soanos Pacer
I wish I could upvote this more than once. This is something the community desperately needs, both human and furry community.
Having to write down shape slider settings into a notecard every time you get a new head/body for your avatar is a massive PITA and I wish I could store only the head and body shapes separately.
Bloodsong Termagant
i did post a jira about this, years agone. not that it matters now. but i will keep hoping! :)
RayneJayde Resident
It shouldn't be an issue. The bones are already set to be adjusted with the sliders. It could just simply be 2 shapes to wear instead of just 1. A head shape, and a body shape. Those with multiple heads and multiple bodies this would be a huge improvement
Extrude Ragu
It would be a useful feature. I personally found this limitation annoying enough to make my own utility to workaround the problem, but it's far from ideal.
https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Dr-Frank-Shape-Combiner/22345045 - In case it helps someone in the mean time.
Dictatorshop Resident
The eyebrows are already weirdly separated. Might as well use that for the face. Even if not for the whole head shape, eyes, nose, ears, mouth etc totally make sense together with the eyebrows
Spidey Linden
Issue accepted. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future release notes for this fix.
Logan Elf
I'd like for this to be a new stackable wearable (c.f. tattoos), e.g. a "Shape Modifier", where each slider (or at least section) can be individually marked as applicable. Would give maximum flexibility.
Vincent Nacon
This was brought up with Lindens before and they did like the idea. Not sure anyone actually made a JIRA request before or not. May have been forgotten but yes, this would be nice to have.
As for having LSL function to change their shape... I think it can't be written into their shape assets but maybe as additive until the user kill the script or teleported out (assumed it's not on attachment), it should drop the changes and revert right back to user's current shape. It should ask for permission if not worn or sat.