Extend Transaction History
Ruby Starlight
I did a search and I couldn't find any suggestions for this, which is surprising. Forgive me if I somehow missed another post and I am duplicating this request.
Residents should be able to access more than 3 months worth of $L transaction history. Any transaction history feature in any bank, any business, any online platform anywhere else generally allows you to pull ALL transaction history from the beginning of the account. If it is a burden for LL to provide all history to everyone, it should at least progress beyond 3 months the higher up we go in Premium levels or for creators and other business owners who have need for those older transactions. For Premium Plus, we really should have all access to all records with no time limit. Premium should certainly have more than 3 months. That limit is simply not long enough.
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Spidey Linden
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.
Tatiana Dresler
I am in total agreement with this. With what we pay for Premium plus, we should be able to see all transactions.
Rockridge Constantine
A simple tip that I do is to just calendar the need to download the transaction history monthly (or every 3 months) I can do the same for my Billing History if I really need that as well. Save the file in a folder on your computer and then you can access it if needed for whatever reason at a future date. That has been my backup for many years. Ideally, I suppose that this would now involve Tilia with providing and sending out statements?
SkyeRyder Varriale
Agreed, Transactions should be available for 18 months for tax purposes.
Jennifer Boyle
SkyeRyder Varriale Why would you need records on inworld Linden dollar transactions for tax purposes? Statements of real-world USD transactions, which are what count for tax purposes, are already available for the entire life of the account.
SkyeRyder Varriale
Jennifer Boyle Because I am also a Real Life business owner also and the payments I make go on a credit card. It's complicated having two businesses to keep track of. Linden Labs is the only one of similar companies that doesn't bother to keep transactions for any length of time. As a business, taxes are not fun but especially combining the two.
Alwin Alcott
SkyeRyder Varriale You don't need token transactions for Taxes
SkyeRyder Varriale
Alwin Alcott Yes, you do, any income has to be claimed and because of that you need a P&L to prove expenses.
Allegory Malaprop
I wish I could super upvote this or something. It's always been awkward and annoying that in world transactions are only accessible for such a small window. I can download my entire Marketplace history, why not in world?
Mr Quack
we should be able to download whole history since we made avi as Excel xls or other format, its not ok to limit it to 1 month/3 months, on page it can show for month thats fine but download should containt whole account history of L$ and USD payment, isnt that everywhere else? also is need overall because it help later with redelivery and all stuff... so button "download account transaction history" is hightly appriciated in my opinion.
Randy Pole
That's a massive amount of data when you consider the number of avatars you know. It's a lot easier to download the transactions as a csv and then put them into a spreadsheet so you can filter and do all sorts of stuff with them.
99% of residents (if not even more than that) do not need to look over their transaction history for L$ transactions ever.
Ruby Starlight
Randy Pole And yet I can pull Amazon transactions back to 2009. I also stated that it can be done based on membership, which would mean that not all avatars would have the extended transactions available to them. Only those of us already paying stupid money to maintain higher membership levels, often for business reasons.
Kuuko Shan
Randy Pole actually isn't a huge amount of data. A whole decade of transactions on an active account would barely be 2MB or less. And if we compress that, it would be few KB. A handful of textures already go beyond that so it shouldn't matter much.
Jennifer Boyle
Randy Pole The amount of storage we are talking about has to be trivial compared with what is required for one's inventory, and, AFAIK, even free accounts are permitted to have inventories of unlimited size.
spirit Wingtips
i'll even add to this. Second Life should Send us a Statement every two months off all our transaction history, billing history to our provided email. or at the least keep records where we can reuest a downloadable PDF of our Transaction history and other important information.