I joined SL in 2004. At that time we only had prims to build with, and everyone was on equal ground. Building IN-WORLD was very much part of the fun of SL.
As much as I like mesh, it's killed that fun. Prims have become passe for the most part. If something isn't mesh, people don't buy it. Building contests using prims are few.
Because of this, one might wonder why LL didn't give us at least one in-world mesh creation tool... say a sphere with 256 points that can be manipulated into a desired mesh shape. Add along with that a way to paint the texture on that prim.
Yes, this is already done via 3rd party tools such as Blender... but such tools are complex and difficult to use and are not in-world tools... thus taking the fun out of in-world building. If I wanted to sit by myself and build things outside of SL, I could make items and sell them elsewhere. The whole idea of a virtual world is to BE IN the virtual world, both for association and while creating.
LL keeps providing all these neat new toys such as pathfinding and the new mirrors and such. Why have we never been provided a basic in-world mesh-creation package similar to the prim building tools we already have? Frankly, mesh killed in-world creation... and that is most unfortunate.
Feature request: an in-world mesh-building package. At the very least, something that can manipulate and paint a sphere that has (optionally) between 32 and 256 points of adjustment.
I'm sure there are many opinions on this, so I'm just posting this to hopefully get the ball rolling. We can't be too insistent on this being done "our way" or it will never happen. But it would be very nice to have some kind of reasonably-effective in-world mesh building and texturing tools.