For $49... allow us to pick our full name
Eren Padar
With respect: Linden Lab allows us to change our name for the "modest" fee of almost $50 (for a fully automatic data process that takes about 3 miliseconds of processing time). ; )
Doesn't that fee warrant us being able to choose our last name as well? I want the name I've used since 2005: Snoots Dwagon... not Snoots Resident, Snoots Fairegoer, or some other LL-dictated last name. At that rather significant fee (just to automatically change one piece of data), this would seem a reasonable request, does it not?
While we're on the subject, wouldn't it be customer-friendly to reduce that $50 price to something far more reasonable... for a very simple, automated data change? Is $20 not sufficient?
With respect, sometimes we would like to see decisions made that consider the good of the customer instead of "how can we squeeze more gold from the goose?". Linden Lab is already very profitable... and the economy has not yet fully recovered. "Put yourself in the shoes of the customer" is the key to profitable business. A profitable business associate once told me: Always put the customer first... and the money will follow (as well as improved customer loyalty).
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Ratany Resident
Name changes must not cost anything. Before the stupid fake names were introduced, everyone could pick a decent name and it didn't cost anything. Remove the fake names, allow everyone to change their names at no cost and make it so that everyone can still be easily identified by their UUID.
River Vortex
I don't care that they charge for a name change and I like that the fee to do so is is scaled to the account type you choose, but the least they can do is put them in alphabetical order on the webpage.
oOPanChanOo Resident
I wonder why we can no longer choose our own avatar names like we did back in 2010. I mean, despite having a premium account, we pay almost $40 to change our name, but we can only choose our first names. Unfortunately, the last names that are available are just awful.
I would like the full name change back. I still don't know why it was abolished.
Please give us the option, if we have to pay so much money, to change our entire name.
But the choice of characters should be limited to a maximum of 20 to 25 characters. And of course, a filter list should be built into the name selection so that people can't choose bad or illegal names.
Eren Padar
oOPanChanOo Resident "And of course, a filter list should be built into the name selection so that people can't choose bad or illegal names."
I fully agree... except people always find a way around such things. I saw a user the other day with an intentionally offensive Display name that he got around by using special ASCII characters. As I've told LL many times, deal with the griefers individually. Don't limit legitimate users just to "take the easy solution" to griefing (especially when that easy solution doesn't really work anyway). Griefers will always find another way to grief.
LL should allow us to choose our own full names-- at a price less ridiculous than $40 to $49 US (for a simple automatic data change)-- and let us use the virtual platform to the full. (Seriously LL, don't ya think it's time to stop price gouging customers for everything? No wonder system popularity has dropped.)
Sometimes less... brings more.
Every time they apply a knee-jerk policy to stop griefers that instead severely limits legit users... they damage the reputation and value of their own platform.
Darling Brody
Linden Labs had to do a LOT of work to facilitate the ability to change names, and have the old name reserved for your use only. It was a big job. It is fair for them to recoup their costs and make a profit on this work.
I've never been a fan of the forced second name and would be happy if we could choose our own second name for an additional fee.
Ratany Resident
They shouldn't have done this job in the first place.
River Vortex
Paige Addams what would 'more normal names' look like in a virtual world? You have the option to use a display name for free.
oOPanChanOo Resident
River VortexSome People dont like the Display Names because many People using so incredible Ugly Letters and special letters that you cant see a normal name. My Display Name is Alaida Nari Devil and i wish to have this name as my Real Secondlife Name. Because in 2010 as i create my First Account i can choose both names now i have the same Last name as other thousend users.
I think when we pay so much we need the option to choose our full name
River Vortex
oOPanChanOo Resident Now you're asking for a lot! If they don't allow us to choose our own surname, they surely won't allow us to have a hyphenated or 3rd name as well. All I can say at this point is good luck.
oOPanChanOo Resident
River VortexWhat's your problem? Don't you have any friends because you can't just leave feedback as it is. All I'm saying is that it would be nicer if we could choose our own last name. Personally, I wouldn't care if it costs 20, 40, 60, 80 or 100 euros/dollars or whatever. But at least they've only deactivated one function from back then, because back then you could still choose your last name. Now we're all called Resident and everyone has such horrible, illegible display names that people are now being rendered so that these stupid names aren't seen. A simple last name is actually acceptable. And it's a function that's been in the LL system for a long time. This function was just deactivated. So it shouldn't be a problem to reactivate it.
River Vortex
oOPanChanOo Resident Oh mean girl I see. 😂 No problem at all on my part and plenty of friends. No need lash out darling. You actually replied to me directly. I'm allowed to respectfully respond or comment here as is everyone else. You may want to work on the respectful part. As you have done, I'll continue to comment as I wish.
Paige Addams
River Vortex this is easy, rather than Jane resident or (Jane Doe) Jane resident, there would be Jane Richards or some such. I used to hate display names because often people would use non standard ASCII making it very difficult to read at which time I addressed them by username since that was readable. I used to wish LL would make it clear what name or word people pick at the start will become the name they will be known as since seeing things I have suspect some did not understand that.
Bimbo Mommy
I think alternatively, maybe the first, up to the second name change could be discounted to half price, and each subsequent change after that would be full price. And also for people who change often, they would only keep the first 5 names or so. I have to imagine they have good reason for it being as expensive as it is.
Stephy Silvercloud
As a gamer that's used many platforms, most (if not all) I've used that require payment for name changes give you at least 1 name change for free. After that, they require payment. Some of them are around $10 to $15 where some of the more expensive are around $25 & that's considered high, but never the amount that SL is charging. And, everyone pays the same price, there's no discount for additionally paying for a premium service, and honestly, I think those already paying for premium should be getting all their name changes for free.
I remember when the name changes were announced. The community I was a part of was very excited. Many of us, like myself, have legacy names that do not, in any way, match the name we use and go by. Others just really wanted to be able to share last names (like we use to be able to do when making accounts & choosing last names). However, when it was released, none of us used it, because of the crazy price.
Bleuhazenfurfle Resident
Eren Padar: You do like to state the obvious as though it's some kind of revelation, but geeze, do you have to be so incredibly literal…?!? Totally missed the point for the most part. Whatever. Not going to debate parables for another 20 rounds, so, moving on.
The core point was, and still is, names are taken permanently, and surnames remain available for quite a long time — that's plenty time to run out of the common first names, and having to resort to rubbish first names instead. I chose a name that was uncommon so I wouldn't have this issue too much, and even still, last time I looked at changing my name, my first several picks were already taken. Even at the previous slightly higher price point, and I've heard plenty of other people complaining they had to settle on a name they don't like so much also, because the several options they had in mind were likewise already taken. The point of that is it's
hard enough to get the name you want unless you happen to have a name with a fairly uncommon spelling (being non-English certainly helps), or are willing to make some significant compromises, and I'd say that's proof the price is quite low enough already.Also, it's pretty much already
the suggested price point if you're a PP… While I personally think there shouldn't be a price drop on higher tier premiums (tax breaks for the rich, anyone?), that would be a new issue entirely.And with all remaining respect, this is
all about
what people personally
want; this is the value of our very names
we're talking about. What every single person who's commented on this personally wants, couldn't be further from the point, and you do not get to gate-keep who's wishes are and are not relevant.I also already addressed the number of upvotes elsewhere — I knew before I wrote my initial comment in the other issue recently on this same topic, my stance was going to be an unpopular one. Everyone wants to get the stuff they want cheaper (myself included), and very few will stop to challenge their own opportunity for gain in that regard — it's a natural conflict of interest. Further most people, if the price was dropped, would jump on it, once, early, and not give a second thought about anyone who comes along later. Advocating holding (or even raising) the price of a popular thing is
going to win the popular vote, but luckily I'm not here to win any popularity contests, I'm here to do my part to keep the naming system of SL actually meaning something, and being worth having. And I deeply believe this issue undermines that.Bleuhazenfurfle Resident
River Vortex: Was that intended for someone else? Or did you misread what I'd said? It wasn't me that said they were
greedy, but it is the primary mission of every company to expand their profits where they can — and I find pandering to that to be quite reprehensible.Load More