Free Mesh uploads for Premium Plus
Crush Cutie
Back when premium plus was first announced, there was mention of free mesh uploads as part of the package "coming soon".
This is a huge deal to creators wanting to test, try and iterate on models and essential for collaborative building in world.
Getting onto the beta grid is a chore, getting a few people together on the beta grid to give feedback is difficult. Getting a test model, surrounding contextual elements and other residents for feedback is impossible.
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Jez Bookmite
I totally agree with Crush Cutie. One of the main reasons for me for becoming Premium+ was the mesh uploads carrot. So far, that's all it's been - a carrot. There are free texture uploads - necessary because of the implementation of materials and then PBR, free sound uploads and free animation uploads. So why are mesh makers penalized? Surely making mesh uploads free would only be fair and would encourage mesh makers to go Premium+. It's nice to see that free mesh uploads is now finally planned as of Jan 28.
Sunny Amethyst
if mesh upload also go free, it would be super worth going for Premium Plus
Signal Linden
Ember Ember
I am against this idea. The cost of the upload seems to be calculated by the complexity/poly count of the mesh and works to deter creators from uploading high poly meshes because of the high cost. Unless LL finds a better way to limit the poly count of uploads and LODs, I think its only fair for creators to be penalized monetarily for uploading ridiculously un-optimized meshes.
Crush Cutie
Ember Ember We're talking tiny amounts like image uploads. This isn't acting like some financial filter to make people think twice or punish "bad" content.
There is also no way for the mesh uploader to know context or even scale. Is this a hyper detailed set of earrings or an entire house?
Ember Ember
Crush Cutie “Tiny amounts” is relative isn’t it? And the uploader _does_ know the scale of the object but who knows if that’s factored into the cost since LL doesn’t exactly state how it’s calculated.
Crush Cutie
Ember Ember Scale only matters when the object is rezzed to calculate Li.
The uploader does not adjust price based on scale and density.
Ember Ember
Crush Cutie Yes, the uploader bases the cost on poly count. Which is why I still think having a cost for uploads is a deterrent for high poly mesh uploads.
Pierre Ceriano
This idea is attractive provided that the mesh import is subject to exhaustive control, in order to avoid what we have seen in recent years: the import of objects from libraries. And this with or without a license: the importer must be the Content creator.
Zy Butcher
I think a 30€/mo subscription should entitle creators to upload mesh for free within reasonable limits. It would add value to the subscription plan.
Crush Cutie
Zy Butcher This was promised as part of premium plus. This is why some subscribed to that higher tier of membership right from the start.
Becca Ordinary
This was the only feature offered in the Premium Plus package that interested me.
IndigoHarper Resident
this is the main reason i did not book into premium plus. once it is implemented i might consider it
ST33LDI9ITAL Resident
Yep, 100%. Is why I also did not upgrade to Premium+. All uploads better be included with it.
Crush Cutie
ST33LDI9ITAL Resident It came up at the SLB meet the team thing and .. we aren't getting anything on this anytime soon. I can't even ...
Spooky Pumpkins
Crush Cutie Wasn't this promised to us a year ago when they announced this tier? I feel like I got bait & switched with this now
Crush Cutie
Spooky Pumpkins It's was promised during SL19B (2 years ago, almost to the day I'm posting this) .. see further down this thread for a link to the YT.
Kore Jardberg
Oh yeah. 100%.
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