Full bright should be suppressable even for no mod items
sprightlysprite Resident
I propose adding an object-wide flag that can be set even for no-mod items (similar to the "for sale" bit and other status flags), which prevents textures from rendering as full bright. (This feature is misused so often that it would be nice to be able to disable it at the land level, too.)
Frankly, this is a plague on SL. Any time you have an area with multiple creators, somebody has to play the "full bright police" and nag everyone else to remove all the full bright items from their builds. Even worse, no-mod items are sold on the marketplace with full-bright textures. Why would any possibly want a glow-in-the-dark painting? Who knows! But people still sell no-mod artwork with full-bright textures, and when the item is photographed at precisely the right angle and time of day, there's no way to tell.
I get it: there are a few cases where you really do want full bright textures, like a light bulb, computer screen, or something else that produces its own light. But these are so rare that the majority of full-bright textures are just visual litter. They aren't wanted by the people seeing them, and in the no-mod case, they usually aren't wanted by people placing the objects either!
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Spooky Mistwallow
I agree that full bright and system light, if set to on, should be able to be toggled off. Right now, we have the ability to personally block system light but there is no such blocking of full bright textures. We also wouldnt want to completely block them. I want the light bulb or fantasy plants to look right with full bright on but I dont want it on pretty much anything else and I dont want to bring people to an area I developed and have them see it differently than me.
Kyrah Abattoir
This could be expanded to light source too, too many items have been sold bundled with the "6 projector lights" fake cubemap trick a, andnd we are stuck with them being no-mod.
Teqi Falta
true story, i had to beg many times to creators turn off full bright on their no mod items i bought. sure they did it but its a pain to ask all the time.
Drake1 Nightfire
I think having the option to turn off full bright on no mod items wouldnt break anything.. So many things i buy have full bright when they dont need it and you cant always tell before you buy it.
IE I bought a house that for some reason has a full bright wall surface.. I contacted the creator and they never got back to me. It would be nice to be able to turn that off.
Pictures in frames that have full bright one them. Why?
I agree that no mod should be no mod, but this doesnt change the actual item nor any textures.
Spidey Linden
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.
Peter Stindberg
I considered a while ago to suggest a "full bright tax", that would cost 10 L$ per face and week that is switched to full bright.
So: Yes!!
Caelan Whimsy
I would support being able to suppress full-bright on the client side, the way we can disable other people's particles and attached lights. I don't agree with being able to override the permissions a creator set for their items. I think that would start SL down a slippery slope that could ultimately end in creators having little to no control over their own creations.
Crexon Resident
I mean, this sounds like the request that comes up year after year after year after year that someone buys a no-mod item, realizes its not exactly what they needed and wanted to try and fix it, but cant due to lack of permissions.
While not only related to setting something to full bright its the same old question on if no-mod permissions should exist in SL and how far down the rabbit hole of reverting 2 decades of content and how the permissions have worked for it but now change.
Personally I can see the reason for have no-mod permissions on an items but also I dont put the blame on LL for those permissions. I just shop accordingly. No-mod? No sale.
sprightlysprite Resident
Crexon Resident My concern here is that there are important uses for no-mod items. Take something like DFS, which relies on restricting mod perms to maintain the integrity of the subgame. It's only an accidental side effect that as a result some of their plants glow in the dark.
Crexon Resident
sprightlysprite Resident oh yea, I dont disagree with you about no mod needed for certain things. My "no mod no sale" stance is on things like clothing, artwork, house decorations and things like that. And as someone else already commented here I do think allowing change of no-mod permissions is a slippery slope.
Willow Curry
I'd actually argue that this could and possibly should work both ways. Especially with PBR and natural lighting now being more prominent. Too many things that are supposed to be lit up are not full bright, and are completely hidden or just too dark to see now. They would benefit from access to full bright instead of SL's lighting being used. So the ability to turn it on and (if possible) alter the level of brightness could be amazingly helpful with old items moving them into PBR spaces would be beneficial without being intrusive.
sprightlysprite Resident
Willow Curry I'm honestly not sure what PBR has to do with it. It's never night in PBR spaces? You want things to glow in the dark in PBR spaces?