Improve debt permissions tracking.
Crush Cutie
Debt permissions once granted to an object remain with that object forever.
I propose adding a page to the dashboard (and / or a dialog the viewer) that shows all objects (and their location in world) that have been granted debt permissions with the option to revoke that permission on a object by object basis.
There should also be a log of all objects that have used debt permissions (transacted, who owns, etc).
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Dictatorshop Resident
I love this idea! I am exceedingly careful what I allow debit permissions on, but it would be nice to be able to audit it from time to time just to feel secure, if nothing else.
Spidey Linden
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.
Beatrice Voxel
By "debt" I take it you mean "Debit"? One is, you owe money, the other, something is authorized to take money from your account.
That said (minor niggle, right?) I do think this is a good idea.