The Inventory Manager is a crucial tool - we use it all the time. Tons of functions but i am missing two basic things: Dual Pane View and Favorites !
  1. Dual Pane View:
Many people open often a second window for batch operations - unfortunately also hidden good, some clicks & arranging.
I would propose an optional dual pane view to make that more comfortable. Users view two sections by default when opening inventory.
Drag & drop items from one pane to another without losing place or having to navigate back & forth. I would also add a default source & destination path.
  1. Favorites:
We have already "Favorites" as separated window - i know. But why is it not integrated in the inventory manager ?
Marking objects & folders as favorite on the fly would help a lot for to organize & locate their objects.
For example: Favorite outfits, attachments, your own development etc etc.
If you have good ideas how to improve the file manager more - just add it :)