Increase amount of attachments allowed
Iza Blossom
38 attachments is not enough these days! I am constantly having to remove this to add that. Avatars are more evolved nowadays than they were in 2008. We wear multiple HUDs, mesh bodies' heads, ears, teeth, eyes, accessories, spankers, AOs, Dance HUDs, naughty bits.. the list goes on. Why limit us to just 38 attachments when we are not limited to how many system layers we can wear?
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oOPanChanOo Resident
i think it is more then enough more attachments create more Lag. More Lag nobody want. When you have more then 38 Attachments then is it really to crazy. My Avatar is Complete and i wear 2 HUD´s 1 AO and 1 Radar Teleport HUD. On my Avatar i have my Clothes Shoes and Hairs and Finish the Avatar is complete have an Low Rendering Cost a low komplexiti what do you want more.
You like to be a cloud for other users for minutes or you want speed rendered for everyone. This IDea is Absolutely Crap.
Hope LindenLab will NOT add more Attachments
prissypaw Aldrin
oOPanChanOo Resident i agree with th is sentiment which is why i said if you think the attachment points we have are limiting try using a body where you can combine the body parts into a single avatar, you will find more free space.
note to any english speakers PanChan cannot grasp the english language and takes non arguments personaly.
prissypaw Aldrin
stop using bodies like maitreya(no modify) and combine body parts like heads an custom feet you will find you have more attachment points if you don't have to use them for things that should be able to be linked to the body
oOPanChanOo Resident
prissypaw Aldrin bullshit i have maitreya and have never more then 10 attachments the body have nothing to say. it all the crap what people wear, Genitals,Spanker,Kisser,Collars, and all this Crap. Nobody need to wear all this when he is just walk around in sl. But the Problem is 99% of the SL Users are just here to do Pixelthings.
prissypaw Aldrin
oOPanChanOo Resident while i agree witht he lack of nessesity on things like collars kissers spanker's etc, your argument misses my point that paws, tails heads etc should be able to be linked to the mesh body to make it a single attachment rather than take up attachment points, you also sound like some one who has never been a furry and are new to sl i have been here since before mesh was a thing and attachment points were used up for all the prims that made up paws, ears, tails, eyeballs, etc just to make a furry body leaving little to no room for attachments like skirts, hats, backpacks etc.
i am not against increasing the limit, i am just advocating a customer side revolt against creators who intentionaly make their items modify destroying the ability of users to be themself by creating somthing unique, rahter than be a cut and paste copy of every one else, which your argument also seems to support being.
PanChan - "every one should be mindless drones only doing the things I find acceptable and in the forms I find acceptable, there should be no furries, no farels, no neko, no dragons, no scalies, no dinkies, just humans, and they should not be able to engage with eachother like adults only children because I don't feel safe when I know some one is being different than me!"
oOPanChanOo Resident
prissypaw Aldrin you only 15 years in sl and now? trust me as i join secondlife we have build with primes and our clothes was just an texture we dont have mesh or sculptis im long enough in sl to know what i say. 38 attachment points are enough.
more points = more attachments = more lag and longer rendering time for people with a low machine. i have never use all the 38 points for what please. i have no problems with rendering 100 Avatars with a complexity of 150k and more my machine is strong enough. but think to the other sl user who dont have a big machine. this user are happy over every attachment point who is NOT used.
and its not ok when you say im new to sl when you dont know me you think you a sl god who can write whatever you want???
but this is a feedback service and not a Discussion Board. so leave it pls to you and use it just as feedback.
prissypaw Aldrin
oOPanChanOo Resident Correction for you I have been in sl for about 17 years since 2007 this is not my main or my only account just the one that is engaging with feedback because i cannot use both of them at the same time, it defaults all profile images and names to the one logged in, so to not confuse any one I just use one account, and i know exactly what its like using a potato to run sl because up untill a friend of mine found this Dell T7400 work station in a dumpster and I spent a little extra money to update it to a resonable level, I have been on potato pc specs and I agree most people don't need more attachments, what they need is to learn how to build for themself and modify with avatar bases that arent locked down like maitreya which is the worst choice for any one if you think you have attachment point issues.
Just for your information I currently use puchimono and ebody reborn both are fully mod and what I am talking about is manualy linking the foot paws, handpaws and other bento/bom body parts to the main body so that it only takes up one attachment point, this reduces my attachment usege, in turn I also remove the extra parts that i don't use, which in turn reduces my render weight to some degree.
And yes I am sure you built in prim as well and your clothing was just textures thats exactly what I was saying I have been through, however your second post show's that your issue is that you do not nativly speak english, and you are miss understanding me due to a translator application badly enough that you don't realize for the most part we are making the same argument.
You also don't seem to have ever been a furry back in the day or you would know the pain of limited attachment points, which were buffed once already around the time firestorm split from its predicessor, and had extra attachment points that were only visible viewer side.
The only way to do furies when I started sl look at the list of parts.-
the head
the right eye
the left eye
the hair
the right ear
the left ear
the lower jaw
the right hand
the left hand
the right arm
the left arm
the right leg
the left leg
the right foot
the left foot
the tail
and the chest fur
17 attachments for 1 avatar not including clothing, collar's jewlery etc.
all on top of the defalt sl body using invisi prims not alpha's to hide the legs and hands, and some times the head.
prissypaw Aldrin
oOPanChanOo Resident another perfect example of what avitars were like before bento and before extra attachment points were a thing, if people took what they have and linked the parts they need but removed what they didn't including extra texture/color scripts when using bom they would find its much lighter on attachment point and they would not need another increase.
prissypaw Aldrin
oOPanChanOo Resident all this talk of lag its not the attachments but their quality that causes lag, poor mesh models that are way hevier than they need to be on verticies and tris, on top of that 2048 texture resolution when 90% of the time you can get away with 512 or 64x64.
prissypaw Aldrin
oOPanChanOo Resident you also have the script lag generated by all those listeners for the apliers and huds for each item, its not the attachment points that are the problem its bad products, especialy no mod ones when it comes to bad scripts and textures.
oOPanChanOo Resident
prissypaw Aldrin GREAT a shopping list for marketplace i think you should be quit now its a feedback section not an advertise service for marketplace products. i own everybody in sl and i knw from what im talking about and now finisdh you have to respect my mind and i have to respect your mind. but its a feedback section and i say NO to more attachment points. and finsh
oOPanChanOo Resident
prissypaw Aldrinits ok honey you have right i have my silence next time pls read a studie ofer lag i can give you the link to my website but you hae to understand german. then when you have read it only then you can say you know what lag is. bye.
i leave the feedback section its the same as inworld only crappys around who think they know everything
prissypaw Aldrin
oOPanChanOo Resident Stop using Google Translate, it's breaking your understanding.
Stop using Google Translate, it's interfering with your understanding.
SL Feedback
Hello, and thank you for your feature request regarding increasing the number of attachments allowed. This issue has been brought up in the past and is currently tracked. We understand the evolving needs of avatars and the constraints posed by the current attachment limit. While we have no estimate on when this may be implemented, please stay tuned for future updates. Your feedback is valuable, and we appreciate your continued commitment to improving Second Life.
SL Feedback