Increase number of "Picks" in the user profile
Cutie Crush
Saw this suggestion on the forums, and it just makes good sense!
We've been stuck with just 10 Picks forever. Let's open it up! Some people like to fill their picks with family photos, some with favourite places to visit, some use it for store information, and others will use them as character sheets for roleplay.
Let us have some more picks, please!
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AnnieLamourVrai Corvinus
Awesome. Thank you linden labs
Nazaire Dragonash
Thank you!
Signal Linden
We've bumped the number of pics up to 20 in the latest release of the official client (7.1.12). This functionality is also available in Firestorm's beta.
primerib1 Resident
Signal Linden And of course it's also available in
Kokua Viewer
(not beta)Signal Linden
in progress
Signal Linden
Merged in a post:
Increase in number of picks we can have
Patience Ravenhurst
I'd llike more picks in my profile, please!
Ginger Pudding
Ria Brianna
10 is pathetic i can have 75 groups but only 10 picks? More picks please sir!
SkyeRyder Varriale
Amigatu Choche
Spidey Linden
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