Inform the user if they send an offline capped message
Aglaia Resident
The number of offline messages is capped at 15 messages for Basic & Plus members, 80 for Premium members, and 160 for Premium Plus members.
If you send a message to an offline user, you can basically never be sure that they will receive it... That's why so many people prefer to send notecards instead.
I think that would be nice if, when sending a message to someone offline and this message is capped, receive a notification to let us know that the recipient will never read it, so in this case we know that we should send a notecard instead.
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Dictatorshop Resident
I have always just wished that LL would bolt a proper email system to the side of SL, where all the messages go, even if you only see the first 15 in world. At least THEN communications would be reliable. When capped user logs in, they could be directed to the webpage of the email system and voila all comms are safe.
LeillaLux Resident
Yes, the other problem for me is that if I turn on email notifications they get wasted bu not just direct IMs but group chats too which I don't want forwarded to my email. Though I do want some group chats on when I am online. They are not the same as an actual message and come out of our allowed amount.
g13n Resident
I completely agree. It doesn’t just happen when we’re offline, but also when I’m chatting with someone online. They often don’t get all my messages, and when we compare screenshots, some are missing. This causes confusion and can lead to problems with friends and clients. That’s why I ask my close friends and clients to use Discord. I don’t trust Secondlife for communication, and this has been a problem for years.
I’ve reported it a few times through support tickets, but they don’t seem to believe it’s an issue. Most people don’t even realise it’s happening to them. Sometimes missed messages get sent to my email, and other times they aren’t delivered at all, which leads to conflict and frustration. I really dislike the communication system we have it’s so unreliable.
LeillaLux Resident
g13n Resident I agree (with the exception of the discord part for personal reasons lol).
Spidey Linden
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.
LeillaLux Resident
Spidey Linden Thank you! The other part of the problem is that if I turn on email notifications they get wasted bu not just direct IMs but group chats too which I don't want forwarded to my email. Though I do want some group chats on when I am online. They are not the same as an actual message and come out of our allowed amount.
Beatrice Voxel
I seriously think the offline IM limits are broken, because nearly every time I log in, I see the notification "IM's Capped". Okay, I have IM's forwarded to email, I didn't get but a few, sooo... what capped my IM's? Is it group notices? Is it group chats? What is burning through my Premium-level offline IM allotment such that I only get to see 80 of them, regardless of how many showed up in my e-mail?
So yes, let's get some code in place to warn people that sending an offline message likely won't be delivered, ever, because that account apparently has used up their offline IM allotment. In addition, let's clean up the actual IM code, such that if someone is told they get 15 IM's saved or 80 IM's saved or 160 IM's saved, they aren't wasted by Other Things that aren't really considered IM's (and aren't forwarded either even if you have forwarding turned on.)
SuchieGirl Resident
Beatrice Voxel Group notices and transactions is what caps it for me quickly.
Kore Jardberg
Totally. And I actually don't even receive ANY message once they've been capped. I submitted a FR for it.
celestarabelle Resident
Upvoted this! I turned on the email notification setting, so whenever I go offline, people's messages will appear in my email box. But it would be better if we receive a notificaton in world.
LeillaLux Resident
celestarabelle Resident Yes, the other problem for me is that if I turn on email notifications they get wasted bu not just direct IMs but group chats too which I don't want forwarded to my email. Though I do want some group chats on when I am online. They are not the same as an actual message.
Lucia TopHat
Oh my gosh! This would be so nice! I hate getting a message that ims were capped and I have no idea who may have sent me something, thinking I received it.
Gryphon Ronas
I love this idea. As it is now the sender gets no indication that the recipient is capped so they assume the message would be received. This can result in customers thinking they were ignored when trying to contact a creator for support.
This feature would work like calling a business in RL and the voice mail box is full. The silent fail we have with IM's is not good at all.
itoibo Resident
Good idea. Only 15 for Plus members? Wow. It used to be a lot more I think. It makes sense to be able to send messages. It is hard to imagine how an IM should use more resources than making a notecard and sending it. Plus, who wants to make a nc just to say hello?
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