Linden water on a prim
Kuva Nishi
Can we possibly get the ability to use Linden water, or its unique visuals, on surfaces such as a prim in the future? Existing attempts at prim water are decent, but all lack the distortion element provided by the Linden water which adds immersion and realism.
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Streex Foxtrot
II I 100% love this idea would be great for our breeds that swim in linden water, especially for my Cucustomers who do not own their own region or do not have access to Linden waters
DevinKnights84 Resident
which would also add high/extreme amounts of lag and give greifers and clueless people, another powerful weapon against the grid. i get the idea and like the basic use but i see it being a bigger problem than it's worth. Just use the actual Linden water, it already exists. If LL water on prim would become a thing, i hope they put a limit on its use like with animesh attachments.
Sayumi Tsunenaga
DevinKnights84 Resident I love the idea of it, but I then hear your warnings and wonder if LL will consider the risks too great. Why would it create lag though, if existing Linden water regions are currently some of the most lag-free?
DevinKnights84 Resident
Sayumi Tsunenaga because of how much performance linden water seems to use/need, then multiply it by how many prims people will have across a region with LL water on them plus the scripting needed to make it work in every prim. The water isn't just a textured surface, it has a live image of everything within a certain range of it applied to one of its layers ( ( not advanced reflections) not sure how this works but you can see it when ya stand in the water, it shows a copy of your avatar and other objects, then distorts it. ). if you disable linden water in your viewer or just disable its transparency, you can see a big jump in frame rate/performance.
Sayumi Tsunenaga
DevinKnights84 Resident Thank you for all that detail! I had no idea the water was so complex, but when you describe it like that, you can see how much it is doing. I wonder if Linden water has changed at all since 2003, or whether it has always been so complex? I was only recently aware that you could disable (disappear) the water... which I found very helpful terraforming underwater areas actually.
BJoyful Resident
Ohhh wow! YES! I want that!
Anaimfinity Resident
Definitely yes. It would be wonderful. We can have our own ponds and rivers.
Satanasa Bracula
I would like to be able to go rafting from 3000 meters high to the ground surface... all within the same SIM as motorcycle roads are today.
SarahKB7 Koskinen
I would also love this "Prim Water" feature proposal, if it allowed boats to travel on their surfaces in the same manner as the existing "Linden Water" plane.
It would also be great if "Prim Water" prims could be scripted to expand and contract (simulating filling, emptying or even tides!).
It would also be great if "Prim Water" could be scripted to physically move in all six axis directions like regular prims. This would allow the creators to build functional boat canal locks and boat canal lifts.
With these "Prim Water" canals, locks and lifts, new waterways could be built through landlocked or mountainous areas of SL, particularly the continent of Sansara, where it's high level (80m) southern lakes are inaccessible to "normal" sea level (20m) boat traffic.
Clem Marques
This would be fantastic if possible!
Waylon Blackthorne
The ability to sail boats on prim water would also be amazing!
Linn Darkwatch
Not only for the visual - if we could have boats, swim animations, etc. work on water-on-a-prim the same as in Linden water it would open up an incredible new range of building and event possibilities.
Bloodsong Termagant
was just about to say this! swimmers could work without having to put scripts in the prim water!
Zandrae Nova
I would love this so much.
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