Make a privacy option to hide payment information status on profile.
Polyhistor Serpente
Please make it so either the profile doesn't show the payment information status and/or that payment information had been used. This is a privacy concern and also potentially could be advertising your account to people with malicious intentions to whether it is a viable and valuable target to break into. I don't see a good reason for having this information publicly broadcasted that could possibly outweigh the bad.
I'd even go so far as to say I'd like to hide my premium status for the very same reasons. I absolutely have no reason for other residents to know any information like this.
I'd like all status on my profile that could be correlated with my account being connected to real life payment information to be hidden from other residents.
Second Life really could use a privacy settings overhaul and this is one of those things.
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Isobel DeSantis
I disagree. Not having payment info on file is a red flag, especially in an older avatar. It means that the identity of the person behind the avatar hasn't been verified, for whatever reason. If I'm interacting with someone, I want to know that information.
Tamraen Dryke
Isobel DeSantis I don't think this outweighs the privacy issues though. If you're very concerned about old unverified avatars, there might need to be other options you should explore for your personal comfort, like not allowing IMs from non-friends. Or maybe LL can change the way they verify accounts and display VERIFIED instead of a giant neon sign saying there's a credit card on file here try to hack me. Besides, any asshole can go buy a prepaid Visa and put it on the account and then still act like a jerk. And plenty of people with payment info on file are more hostile and problematic than someone who doesn't want their credit card easily available when LL's servers get hacked.
Bleuhazenfurfle Resident
+1 to hiding payment info…
Don't care about premium status, just about every site ever shows that off; it's good advertising, too, to see people walking around with premium — it tells you they think this thing is worth something.
That said, the
of your premium… I'd give that half a vote at least.SL Feedback
SL Feedback
Hello, and thank you for your feature request regarding the privacy option to hide payment information status on profiles. This concern has been brought up by another resident in the past, and we are merging your comments to get to it faster. We understand the importance of privacy and the potential risks associated with displaying such information. While we have no estimate on when this feature might be implemented, please keep an eye on future updates. We appreciate your input and hope you continue to share your ideas to help improve Second Life. Thank you!