Make scripts open source
Kore Jardberg
This feature requests comes as a software solution to the problem of creators planting scripts that do things they're not supposed to. Including but not limited to: spying on the buyers without them being aware of it, remotely disabling the product against the customer's will (see e.g.
Obviously, there are legitimate reasons for creators to want to keep their source code closed: preserving their intellectual property rights, and ensuring a 'secure' connection between objects through the use of encryption methods that would be less efficient if the code was revealed (typically, using a 'complicated' channel number).
But I believe it should be a consumer's right to know what their products actually do behind their back. It should be possible to audit scripts and check for breaches of confidentiality or other wrongdoings.
A partial opening of the source code could also be a solution, for example having a committee of volunteers reviewing the code.
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Maestro Linden
Hello, and thank you for your feature request.
Incoming suggestions are reviewed in the order they are received by a team of Lindens with diverse areas of expertise. We consider a number of factors: Is this change possible? Will it increase lag? Will it break existing content? Is it likely that the number of residents using this feature will justify the time to develop it? This wiki page further describes the reasoning we use: Feature Requests
This particular suggestion, unfortunately, cannot be tackled at this time. However, we regularly review previously deferred suggestions when circumstances change or resources become available.
We are grateful for the time you took to submit this feature request. We hope that you are not discouraged from submitting others in the future. Many excellent ideas to improve Second Life come from you, our residents. We can’t do it alone.
Thank you for your continued commitment to Second Life.
Crexon Resident
This is never going to happen. The mass revolt from ALL creators on SL would happen if all of their code for a paid product would be open for all to see and
any to copy. Why buy a product if anyone can just buy once and freely copy to everyone else?
As mentioned already here if you suspect a script/product to the violating SL TOS then submit an abuse report for it to go through the proper channels.
Vincent Nacon
That's never going to happen, sorry. Too much lawsuits inbound, that's not the risk LL willing to take.
Atomic Infinity
The legitimate reasons for closed code far outweigh the rare occurrences of misuse. There is an effective governance team who respond to abuse reports of those occurrences, so it is better to utilise that team than entirely compromise the innovation and creativity of scripters.