More role tags space in groups
Addison Sassypants
Would be nice to have more role tags in groups, especially for businesses like nightclubs, stores, etc that have multiple staff roles.
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Dictatorshop Resident
Yes, yes, and yes! There are just not enough as it is now!
Nightmare Demonia
cant wait for this to go thru
Addison Sassypants
Nightmare Demonia Yes!
SL Feedback
Hello, and thank you for your feature request regarding increasing the number of role tags in groups. This is a great suggestion, especially for businesses like nightclubs and stores that have multiple staff roles. Another resident brought up a similar idea in the past, and we are merging your comments to get to it faster. We have no estimate when it may be implemented, but please keep an eye on future updates. We appreciate your input and hope you continue to share your ideas to help improve Second Life. Thank you!
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