Multiple viewer windows
Kobold Fairey
Ability to move any pop up window ei. chat inventory group notices off the viewer and to another monitor or even the same monitor to give a cleaner in world experience
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Madi Melodious
I'm been wanting this for 13 years.,
Renee Billig
So I've been away from SL for a number of years and one of the reasons that I left were all the crappy viewers with cluttered screens that made it really awkward to use. I think that most people here (at least the ones that I've talked to) use multiple monitors and SL would be so much easier to use if I could drag all the sub-windows away from the main window like I can with a lot of art programs.
I went into the google machine and searched for multi-monitor versions of the SL viewer and didn't really find anything other than back around 2013 where one was developed by Firestorm as an alpha release, but it seems that it was really buggy that not many people took advantage of it and the Firestorm people just kind of dropped it there hoping that someone else would grab the project and run with it.
In the time that I've been away, it appears from all accounts that usership of Second Life has gone way down and having a more friendly viewer would really freshen up the experience and maybe bring people back.
Renee Billig
It would be really great if someone would provide a explanation of why this is so difficult and why it hasn't been done despite all the support this fix gets.
Signal Linden
Merged in a post:
Have windows movable outside the viewer for multiscreen
Woolfyy Resident
especially useful not to have scripts or notecards covering builds when your are a real creator / scripter with multiple screens ...
Spidey Linden
Merged in a post:
Offset Viewer Center
Bleuhazenfurfle Resident
I tend to have about a third of my screen covered by chat and various UI windows, making it really hard to see anything to that side. Being very chat-otiented (like, not even running a graphical viewer most of the time), I have a chat window spanning the entire lower half of the left hand third of my screen, and sometimes I'll stretch it out wider still.
Besides the other feature request of being able to move all that stuff off of the main window entirely, it would be very useful to be able to set a new "center", within the unobscured portion of the window; I imagine clicking a button or selecting a menu item, and getting like a full-window cross-hair (so you can judge the position against the screen edges and those UI elments) or something under the mouse until you click a point, and then the viewer uses that as the new "center" of your view (camera).
Bleuhazenfurfle Resident
This one is clearly very much wanted! (Three or four threads of it now, at least?) Hard to decide whether to add to the newest one, or the oldest one… This one will do.
I run three monitors myself, and it is annoying having to peek around all the HUD elements all the time, while the other two monitors sit ignored. You can stretch the window wider than a monitor, but I have noticed that usually causes Windows to
bog down; my best guess is it messes with the 3D acceleration or something. (Not to mention it's just weird, especially when the windows aren't all perfectly level, my left monitor is sitting to the left, but up on a shelf higher than the other too.)What I've seen work very successfully in other software, is to add a "detatch" option to UI elements which puts them into their own little window with a simple render surface, and the viewer continues to otherwise render them like usual. When you drag and release the window, the viewer then checks whether the screen position of the elements edges is close to any of the others (or significantly overlaps empty space in one, including the main window), and if so, attempts to merge the sub-windows. Detatching and docking UI sections has been a thing for decades, and while it used to be pretty clunky (it certainly was when I did it in my own apps back in the late 90's, and couldn't reliably measure the window frame width), more recent examples I've seen have been very refined and smooth.
Making it work with HUDs would be fantastic, too, but probably tricky — they quite often change size, have transparent sections far removed from the main body, and quite often only transparent on the upper face at that. but I reckon it could still work… A simple solution would be for the HUD it still see the same attachment point, being "offset" within the panel, and for the window to basically just not "auto-fit" its content if there's a HUD there (maybe rig it like the press-to-talk, where it switches from auto to manual when you drop in a HUD, but you can switch it back again if you wish). I'd consider this a stretch goal, though.
Akiv Wizardly
I'm thrilled to see such strong support for a multiscreen solution in Second Life. The ability to detach and organize various windows would undoubtedly enhance productivity and creativity, especially for those engaged in content creation and performance activities.
It's encouraging to hear that some groundwork has already been laid in terms of development, and I share the hope that this feature can be integrated smoothly into the platform. The demand for a less cluttered screen and improved multitasking capabilities has been clear for years, and it's time for Second Life to evolve to meet these needs.
Let's continue to advocate for this enhancement and keep our fingers crossed for its realization in the near future!
Nomminus Nightingale
Fingers crossed for this! It would be a godsend for building and content creation.
spirit Wingtips
yes i support this, it would be good to have windows such as Inventory, Contacts, Ims in separate detachable windows where it wont clutte the screen especially if doing machinima, Driving etc.
Yman Juran
Yes, I support a multiscreen solution, so as a performer I can have chat, program on sidescreens and see my own show in full view.
Yman Juran
Woolfyy Resident I suggested the concept several times the last 10 years so lets keep a big BIG grande hope that LL wil listen.
Yman Juran
Woolfyy Reside I hope I have qualification to do so .. bring its keys in hand to and integrate it.. if not I will call for help... :-)
CliftonDownes Resident
This functional change and similar has been requested many many times! Its about time that LL took notice of the large number of people that are craving for the major improvement to the whole environment that this would bring.
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