Native Apple Silicon Support
in progress

Alvi Halderman
I think Second Life for the first time ever has the opportunity of offering excellent performance to the mainstream with the incredible performance advancements of Apple Silicon. SL already works quite well on low-end M1 Macs, so I cannot imagine how much things could improve if it is supported natively.
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Amiren Resident
I very much so would love to see full Apple Silicon support added at first opportunity!
Antone Andretti
I vote for complete and total official support for Apple Silicon architecture in Second Life as soon as possible.
This is absolutely necessary now that Apple Silicon Macs have been on the market for nearly 5 years as of the time of this post (we're past 4 years, going on 5). It's definitely time to roll out full official support for them.
Please make this a high priority and give it the necessary focus and resources to be successful and to be able to get delivered soon! Our community really WANTS this!
(And there's a significant and legitimate growing technical NEED for it, as Rosetta 2 will only be supported for some time, and Apple will kill it off soon when Intel Macs are no longer supported in the fairly near future. They already no longer sell them, they will be deemed vintage and then obsolete soon).

Jasmine Navarita
I'm strongly in favor of full Apple Silicon support, (done properly please) including full implementation of Metal and all Apple Silicon (aarch64/ARM) libraries and resources, optimized for running natively and with great efficiency and speed on Apple Silicon Macs, and fully able to utilize multiple cores. This would be greatly appreciated by me and by many others. Thank you.

Yikes Lopez
With full multi core and metal 3 instead of opengl/cl and all made for apple silicon, not just the app but everything. This means a hug speed bump :-) Lets blast intel and nvidia away :-) Ohh and not least... 50Mbit support, most of the people in holland have fiberoptic 1 Gbit up and down and soon 8Gbit, so all load quicker.

Bosco Rehula
Yes, please!!!!!!! I have an M1 and it still struggles but Megapahit give me consistency in FPS.

Martina Lewsey
Yes, please ;-) Megapahit is ARM and when you load the sources, all libraries are also included. Lets go to the future please-
Signal Linden
in progress

observeur Resident
Signal Linden This is great news!

Smidge Frimon
I would like to see a native viewer for Apple Silicon. I'd like to see what it is capable of with the M series processor.

Christi Maeterlinck
Yes: let's get away from Intel and take advantage of the new Apple processors.

Jack90 Ormstein
Oh, I would really love this!
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