"Only This Time" Experience Permissions
Journey Bunny
Experience permissions are neat, great, useful, and yet polarizing. Really handy for the scripter, really annoying for the user who knows that clicking Accept means they've just given some person or group of persons the permission to do many things to them anywhere the experience is enabled.
But there's an easy solution! Experiences are tied to locations after all. Let's borrow a well-established convention from mobile apps:
Add a button for ["Only for this visit"]
The whole set of mechanisms for this is already in place; basically we just need the extra button and a value flag. When this choice is made, the experience is granted as usual
when the user leaves the region, the temporary experience is automatically revoked. (And the ability to manually revoke remains as-is).This single additional option would make it much easier to temporarily trust experiences without the significant cleanup effort that usually comes with accepting experiences. The existing mechanism to trust Experiences long-term would still remain, but this would help a ton!
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xaka Chayoo
Had lot of lag, cleared experiences that was stuck with, unknowingly, life became better, although there are some experiences from Linden and/or Mole that do not allow clearing, would like to know why, apparently its secret, would like to clean them too. All in favour for the "Only for this visit" selection.
Soap Frenzy
xaka Chayoo In my opinion we should be allowed to leave the linden experiences as well. I don't like being forced to be in an experience. I especially don't like being forced to be in non-linden controlled experiences like the London city experience
Toothless Draegonne
I have nothing against this. What I would mention though is that some viewers do have the ability to spit out a message into local chat when an experience is allowed to do something, and what it is doing.
In the case of Firestorm, avatar->experiences. Events tab. "Notify all events."
This might help people who are wondering why something odd is happening, and also helped me figure out why I was unable to attach things (A borked experience script was continually attaching items until all slots full).
Oil Supply
Toothless Draegonne Useful. Is it noisy? I'll try it but others might want to know before hand.
nickvrtis Resident
I agree. It is too easy to 'collect' experiences without knowing it and suddenly you are in a region and strange things start happening. And expecting people to clean up their experience permissions is about as hopeless as an organized inventory.
SL Feedback
SL Feedback
Hello, and thank you for your feature request regarding 'Only This Time' Experience Permissions. This idea has been brought up in the past and is currently tracked. We understand how adding a temporary permission option could significantly enhance user experience by making it easier to trust experiences without long-term commitments. While we have no estimate when it may be implemented, please keep an eye on future updates. We appreciate your input and hope you continue to share your ideas to help improve Second Life. Thank you!