Option to decline a copiable Marketplace gift from a non-contact
Holocluck Henly
People manipulate / obligate non-friends by sending gifts of impressive $L to put them on the spot. You cannot decline the gift and you can't give it back if it is copiable.
I got stuck in this last fall by a stranger I don't know why, but I was horrible for objecting. She's been passing along defamatory impressions and while blocked people have attacked me versbally on her behalf.
You don't get invovled with unwanted squabbles but at least you can prevent them by giving non-contact recipients the option to not accept a copiable gift sent from the marketplace.
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Drake1 Nightfire
So they bought you something you didn't want or ask for and you feel bad for declining it?
Holocluck Henly
Drake1 Nightfire "Feeling bad" isn't grounds for a new function. That's a shallow concept.
I was sent an unwanted gift from the Marketplace. They don't know me beyond a couple of DJ sets. Their gift conveyed a few hints, none sincere and are irrelevant for this discussion. They went on a defamatory rampage for my objecting to something I couldn't return or refuse. They resumed harassment by IM months later, then got others to do the trolling when they were blocked.
She's probably a repeat offender.
Learned that this does happen where people feel obligated because the copiable gift cannot be refused.
It's time to prevent that possibility from ever happening.
Drake1 Nightfire
Holocluck Henly Report them for harassment. End of issue. Or just take the gift and be done with it. If someone sent me something i could use yet didnt ask for, i would still take the gift and feel a damn thing. You dont owe them anything.
Nescolet Resident
Right, would be a reasonable option to be able to reject a gift that has copy permission. Now, rejection should not invalidate the purchase. Maybe give the buyer an option to keep the purchased item on hold for some time, until they have choose another recipient.